
It turns out that all these "4 dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they will become, and the crab cannot be washed directly with water, because this cannot remove the dirt from the crab's body. should

author:A knowledgeable person in a variety of life

It turns out that all these "four dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they become

First, crabs should not be washed directly with water, as this will not remove dirt from the crab's body. The crab should be soaked in cold water for two hours and then vinegar should be added, so that the crab can spit out dirt and sediment from the body. Finally, carefully scrub the surface and crevices with a brush.

Second, the fish should not be washed directly with water, as this will not remove the fishy smell. The scales and internal organs of the fish should be cleaned first, and then the fish should be soaked in vinegar to remove the fishy smell. Then rinse with clean water.

Thirdly, shellfish should not be washed directly with water, as the shells usually contain a lot of sediment and impurities. It should be soaked in salt water for a period of time before adding cooking oil or sesame oil, which will encourage the shellfish to spit out the sediment from the body more quickly. Finally, rinse with water.

Fourth, mushrooms should not be washed directly with water, as this will cause the mushrooms to absorb too much water and cause a poor taste. The surface of the mushroom should be gently wiped with a soft, damp cloth or sponge, and if a finer cleaning is needed, the mushroom can be soaked in lightly salted water for a period of time and then rinsed off. #Universal Life Guide# #Winter Life Check-in Season# #Life Tips# #涨知识了#

It turns out that all these "4 dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they will become, and the crab cannot be washed directly with water, because this cannot remove the dirt from the crab's body. should
It turns out that all these "4 dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they will become, and the crab cannot be washed directly with water, because this cannot remove the dirt from the crab's body. should
It turns out that all these "4 dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they will become, and the crab cannot be washed directly with water, because this cannot remove the dirt from the crab's body. should
It turns out that all these "4 dishes" cannot be washed directly with water, and the more they are washed, the dirtier they will become, and the crab cannot be washed directly with water, because this cannot remove the dirt from the crab's body. should

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