
Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

author:Uncle Water

Lettuce is a very common ingredient in our daily life, many friends prefer to eat, because lettuce can be eaten raw, but also can be made into a variety of cuisines. When it comes to lettuce, many friends may think of the first food is oyster sauce lettuce, many people sometimes make oyster sauce lettuce at home, but the lettuce made is relatively dark, and the nutrition will be lost. Today I will share with you a dish of minced garlic oyster sauce lettuce, crisp and tender, appetizing rice, but also will share with you a restaurant chef to make oyster sauce lettuce method, made out of the lettuce is very crisp and tender, and the color is emerald green, will not turn black.

【Garlic oyster sauce lettuce】

【Ingredients】Lettuce, garlic, ginger, cooking oil, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, water starch

【Preparation steps】

1, the following to take everyone to make the food is garlic oyster sauce lettuce, eat crisp and tender into the taste, appetizing rice, let's come together to put the garlic oyster sauce lettuce production ingredients all ready, prepare the right amount of lettuce, very like to eat lettuce friends, you can prepare a little more, and then prepare 10 to 15 cloves of garlic, garlic must be a little more, garlic flavor is more delicious to eat, and then prepare a piece of ginger, the right amount of edible oil, oyster sauce, edible salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, a small bowl of water starch can be. Let's start processing various ingredients and cooking garlic and oyster sauce lettuce.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

2, first put the prepared lettuce in a large basin, and then put in water to clean it again, wash off the dust and impurities on the surface, after cleaning, we pour the water out, and then put it aside to dry the water for later. Take out the prepared garlic and crush it first, then cut it into minced garlic, and the minced garlic should be slightly chopped to make it more delicious.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

3, after the garlic is cut, we will cut the ginger into small plates, then pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil in the wok, first put the ginger garlic to fry out the aroma, the minced garlic should not be put into it, put in a small part, to leave a part to wait until the end.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

4, ginger garlic stir-fried out of the aroma, we first add some oyster sauce to the inside, oyster sauce should also be a little more, and then quickly stir-fry them evenly, stir-fry well and then put the right amount of edible salt, sugar and raw soy sauce, and then add a little water, use high heat to boil the soup in the pot.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

5, after the soup in the pot is boiled, we put a little old pumping color inside, and then put the remaining minced garlic into it and start stir-frying, until we can smell a very strong garlic flavor, we will put the prepared water starch into the hook, the amount of water starch is not too much, to be slightly less, until the soup is thick, we first turn off the heat and set aside.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

6, washed lettuce first put the appropriate amount of edible oil, the edible oil and lettuce fully grasp and mix evenly, edible oil can lock the water in the lettuce, form a protective film, many people in the oyster sauce lettuce will choose blanched water, in fact, that is wrong, will lead to nutrient loss, and the lettuce will be blackened, today this method is shared by the hotel chef, put the lettuce on the steamer with a high fire for three minutes, so as to ensure that nutrition is not lost, will not be blackened.

Oyster sauce lettuce should not be blanched in the pot! This is the right way to do so, emerald green does not blacken nutrients do not lose

7, after three minutes of time, we first turn off the heat to take it out, and then put it on the plate, pour all the sauce we just fried on top of the lettuce, a delicious garlic oyster sauce lettuce is finished.


1, lettuce must not be blanched, because after boiling water, lettuce nutrition will be lost, and will become black, to take the steaming method.

2, lettuce wrapped in a layer of cooking oil can lock in moisture, prevent it from turning black.

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This article is originally produced by "Uncle Water", without permission, it is strictly forbidden to carry plagiarism, thank you for your cooperation!

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