
#2024 Food Diary# Today I fried a large plate of cauliflower with vegetarian chicken, boiled seven-color brown rice porridge, and baked cakes, and after eating, my husband said that he was not full, so he scrambled five more eggs and gave them again

author:The casual and free Laura


Today I fried a large plate of cauliflower with vegetarian chicken,

boiled seven-color brown rice porridge,

and baked bread,

After eating,

My husband said that he was not full,

He scrambled five more eggs,

I opened two more bags of hand-peeled bamboo shoots for him.

Before going out in the morning, he told me,

Go to the supermarket in the evening to buy some meat,

Stir-fried cauliflower,

I actually forgot.

It was fried with vegetarian chicken,

I thought I couldn't finish it,

It turned out that there was not enough to eat.

I couldn't finish stir-frying a dish before,

Always leftovers,

My husband said that I don't know why in the past two days,

The amount of food has increased dramatically,

I can't get enough to eat,

You can also have snacks after meals,

I guess my cooking skills have grown again,

The cooking is so fragrant,

The more my husband eats, the more he has an appetite.


#2024 Food Diary# Today I fried a large plate of cauliflower with vegetarian chicken, boiled seven-color brown rice porridge, and baked cakes, and after eating, my husband said that he was not full, so he scrambled five more eggs and gave them again
#2024 Food Diary# Today I fried a large plate of cauliflower with vegetarian chicken, boiled seven-color brown rice porridge, and baked cakes, and after eating, my husband said that he was not full, so he scrambled five more eggs and gave them again
#2024 Food Diary# Today I fried a large plate of cauliflower with vegetarian chicken, boiled seven-color brown rice porridge, and baked cakes, and after eating, my husband said that he was not full, so he scrambled five more eggs and gave them again

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