
A 2-year-old child was ruthlessly thrown downstairs by his father, and parents without a bottom line are too terrible!

A 2-year-old child was ruthlessly thrown downstairs by his father, and parents without a bottom line are too terrible!

As the saying goes, "children are the best gift God can give to parents", when welcoming this little life, many parents have a variety of moods, there may be surprise, excitement, confusion, and even confusion, and you will also have some doubts, doubts about whether you will be a competent parent.

But no matter what, parents will do their best to love their children, provide them with the best material conditions, so that children can grow up carefree and healthy, it can be said that parents occupy the initiative in the parent-child relationship, and bear the responsibility of disciplining children, especially for infants and young children who do not have self-care ability, cognitive ability, and cannot express, it is a unilateral output.

A 2-year-old child was ruthlessly thrown downstairs by his father, and parents without a bottom line are too terrible!

But if parents lose the basic moral bottom line, then this "initiative" may cause irreversible consequences. Recently, a heinous news has been exposed on the Internet, I believe that any parent is angry about it, that is, a man actually threw his child from the stairs with his own hands!

A 2-year-old child was ruthlessly thrown downstairs by his father, and parents without a bottom line are too terrible!

According to media reports, this vicious case occurred in Yulin, Guangxi Province, and I don't know what happened, an adult man actually threw his two-year-old young son from a tall building, causing the child to be seriously injured, and unfortunately died after treatment. But what is even more infuriating is that the man did not feel the slightest guilt, but ran away regardless of whether the child was dead or alive.

The child's mother was very desperate, running downstairs in a panic while shouting, "My child was thrown from the stairs by my husband!" Hurry up and save him", while performing CPR on the child and begging those around him for help, but the child fell from a tall building and CPR may aggravate the injury. Subsequently, the ambulance 120 arrived and sent the child to the First People's Hospital of Yulin, Guangxi, but unfortunately, due to the severity of the injury and the ineffectiveness of the rescue, the 2-year-old child unfortunately passed away.

Although we do not know the reasons behind such a tragedy, it is by no means a reason for men to treat life arbitrarily. This incident is not only a personal family tragedy, but also reminds us that domestic violence is not desirable, and that protecting women and children is the responsibility of everyone in society.

No matter what the situation, we should remain calm and rational to avoid losing control of our emotions. Once one party has lost its mind, the other party should try to control the situation and seek appropriate solutions instead of responding with the same violence. Only through rational communication and balanced thinking can we establish a harmonious atmosphere in the family and avoid the recurrence of similar events.

Second, women and children, as vulnerable groups, deserve more protection and care. Governments and social institutions should strengthen laws and institutions to ensure that punishment and prevention measures against domestic violence are implemented. At the same time, each of us has a responsibility to pay attention to our family and friends, and to identify and assist those who may face the threat of violence.

From this tragedy, we should also think deeply, strengthen family education, cultivate children's correct values and ability to deal with problems, and only by working together can we break the vicious circle of domestic violence and create a safe, tolerant and warm environment for women and children.

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