
Don't be wrong with your child blinking frequently

Children blink frequently

Be careful!

Full analysis of the main points


It is our innate physiological response

But at different ages

When doing different activities

The frequency of blinking varies

Preschoolers approximately take about 8 beats per minute

School-age children approximately 12 times per minute

If the blinking movement exceeds the normal rhythm

We call this frequent blinking

For the child's frequent blinking moves

Many parents don't care at first

Thought it was the child who deliberately blinked

It took a long time to go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment

The disease is currently ophthalmic and pediatric

Common and frequent disease

Don't be wrong with your child blinking frequently

The cause of frequent blinking in children

There are many factors that cause children to blink frequently, such as eye diseases, drugs, the environment and poor hygiene habits, and the stimulation of emergencies, and the following common causes are common:

1. Invert the eyelashes

Pediatric inverted eyelashes are called congenital varus of the lower eyelid and inverted eyelashes. Inverted eyelashes refer to the abnormal condition in which some eyelashes grow "without following the routine" and grow inward, so that they touch the surface of the eyeball and even cause corneal damage, and the surface of the child's eyeball is scratched and uncomfortable, so he blinks frequently.

2. Allergic conjunctivitis

Children's body immunity is relatively weak, and the smog weather and spring pollen increase the chance of allergies. When allergic conjunctivitis occurs, your child will feel itchy eyes and will blink frequently.

3. Refractive anomalies

Children's eye adjustment ability is generally very strong, the beginning of slight myopia, the eyes will automatically adjust to see the object, but in the long run, the eyes are easy to fatigue, so the child will be by blinking or rubbing the eyes to relieve fatigue.

4. Dry eyes

Nowadays, many children's eyes revolve around electronic products all day long, which can easily lead to dry eyes, and some older children have a heavy burden of learning homework, which can also easily lead to eye fatigue, which may also lead to photophobia, blinking and other symptoms.

Fifth, lack of vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency symptoms are mainly manifested in the eyes and skin, children will feel dry and uncomfortable eyes, often blink, tears decrease, and then the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye lose luster and elasticity, resulting in plaque.

6. Tic disorder in children

Childhood tics are diseases of repetitive, alternating muscle twitching caused by neurological problems.

It may start with frequent blinking, followed by facial twitches such as crooked mouth and shaking of the head, and then gradually develop towards the neck, shoulders, limbs or torso, which can progress from simple twitches to complex twitches.

Don't be wrong with your child blinking frequently

What parents should do

First, when the child frequently blinks, rubs the eyes, but does not know what is going on, you can give the child some artificial tear fluid (without drugs, preservatives), it can help eliminate foreign bodies in the child's eyes and possible allergens, alleviate the discomfort caused by dry eyes, allergies or foreign bodies;

Second, if the child has secretions in the eyes and needs to do eye cleaning, you can use a wet cotton swab to clean;

Third, if the child's eye rubbing is particularly strong, it can be relieved by cold compresses, and the child can be taken to the hospital as soon as possible;

Fourth, take your child to outdoor activities, let the child relax the nervous mood as much as possible, do not let the child feel your anxiety, and try to divert the attention of the blinking action with the things he is more interested in;

Fifth, reasonably control the use time of children's electronic products, do a good job in myopia prevention and control, and protect vision.


Parents should pay more attention to the health of their children's eyes

When a child is spotted blinking frequently

Take the child to seek medical treatment in time and treat the symptoms

Usually in addition to studying

Parents can also be with their children

Do eye exercises to protect your eyes

If it is caused by excessive use of the eyes

Be sure to take care of your vision early

To avoid more vision problems

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