
What is the difference between a baby who "doesn't climb and walks" and a baby who climbs first and then walks? It's good for Mom to understand

Does it matter if the child can crawl? When Youyou was very young, she didn't like to crawl, and sometimes her mother deliberately put Youyou into a crawling posture, and Youyou either lay down directly or started to retreat backwards, completely not doing what the parents wanted.

For this situation, in fact, youyou's mother is not too concerned, thinking that the child will not crawl, will not crawl, will walk.

As Youyou's mother said, although Youyou said that crawling technology is not good, but when learning to walk, learning is still relatively fast, you can walk when you are one year old, and you are more stable than children of the same age, and Youyou's mother also shows off when she sees people, saying that her baby will not climb and will walk, and it will definitely be a tall man with long legs in the future.

For the show off of the excellent mother, the neighbors are also more agreeable, because in the hearts of the neighbors, the child will not climb and walk, which is indeed a relatively excellent performance.

Time flies, and in an instant, youyou will grow up, and at this time, youyou will often have some "cute" behaviors, such as hitting the wall when walking, not knowing how to help when falling, and so on.

At the beginning, Youyou's mother still felt that the child's behavior was very cute, but with the passage of time, Youyou's mother found that Youyou often had a less responsive look, until the time of elementary school, there would be slow physical reactions and other phenomena, which felt wrong.

Later, Youyou consulted a friend of his own on this situation, and was told that the child was likely to have a sensory system disorder, and the fundamental cause of sensory system disorder was because Youyou could not climb when he was a child.

Why can't you climb and walk, causing sensory system disorders?

When a child is a child, his own sensory integration ability is incomplete, and he needs to gradually exercise and strengthen in the process of growing up, and eventually form. The act of crawling is an important factor in improving the brain's sensory integration ability.

If you can walk without crawling, it will lead to the child's vestibular balance not being effectively stimulated and exercised, resulting in sensory system disorders.

In addition, there are many differences between children who can't climb and walk, and children who learn to crawl first and then learn to walk.

The difference between "climb first and go later" and "walk without climbing"

First learn to crawl, and then learn to walk, this is the child's normal development path in the necessary process, if some children omit this stage of crawling, then the child's growth is actually incomplete, and this incomplete growth experience, will bring some bad effects to the child.

A child who climbs first and walks later is smarter

Crawling this behavior is a behavior that produces more stimulation to the child's brain, which can make the child's brain and cerebellum cooperate more closely, which is a positive behavior that exercises the child's brain response and stimulates brain development.

In the whole process of crawling, the brain will become very active, the processing speed of various information will be accelerated, and the child will be more proficient in the processing of information and the release of instructions, and the child will become more intelligent.

Children who do not climb and walk completely lose the exercise of the brain at this stage, compared to the brain of children who climb first and walk later, the brain will be more sensitive.

b Children who climb first and then walk are more focused

Crawling can also play a positive role in improving your child's ability to concentrate. Because when children crawl, they need to concentrate their attention, so that they can achieve the ideal crawling posture and achieve their own crawling goals.

In addition, in the process of crawling, because children need to adjust their direction and avoid obstacles at all times, this will also make children passively concentrate, which is very helpful for children's concentration.

c Climb first and then walk the child, or will be more coordinated

Crawling behavior is a kind of whole-body movement, when the child crawls, not only needs to achieve good rhythm of the limbs, but also needs the cooperation of the body, neck, head and sensory organs, so that an overall forward posture can be formed, and the baby can complete the entire crawling posture.

And those children who do not climb and walk, because of the lack of this excellent opportunity to coordinate exercise, will become less coordinated limbs.

For example, the situation of Youyou, when walking, you obviously see an obstacle, but it is to crash into it, which is the incompatibility between the sensation and the limb, and the information of the sensory organs is transmitted to the brain in time, but the brain does not issue instructions to avoid according to the information, which eventually leads to you hitting the wall.

Therefore, it is not something to be proud of if the baby does not climb, because it is not a good thing. And this also requires parents, before the child learns to walk, must cultivate the child's crawling behavior, when the child has the ability to crawl, you need to let the child climb, the more climb the better.

When guiding your baby to crawl, there are some problems to be aware of:

Keep your baby safe: Babies are born in this strange world and are completely unaware of the various risk factors. Therefore, in the process of practicing crawling, parents must pay attention to the safety of the baby's crawling, avoid garbage, sharp objects, dust, etc. on the ground, and ensure that the baby's crawling environment is clean, hygienic and safe.

Pay attention to the baby's crawling conditions: when the baby crawls, it is generally hands, knees, feet on the ground, some small babies will also land on the abdomen, so we need to prepare conditions suitable for the baby to crawl, such as letting the baby climb on the bed, climb on the toddler blanket, climb on the yoga mat, etc., to avoid the child climbing on the cold floor, because the floor is cold and hard, which is not good for the baby's health.

Write at the end

Will not crawl will walk, in fact, is not a good thing, parents do not take pride in this, when parents find that their children have this situation, we must pay attention to timely correction, so that children first learn to crawl, and then learn to walk, to avoid growing up after the child's sense of dissonance, that will affect the child's life.

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