
Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

Introduction: The profession of teacher comes with its own aura and professional educator attributes. Therefore, what the teacher says is often taken as a holy will by us, as the title refers to, if the teacher evaluates your child in this way, parents need to be careful.

Text/37 degrees warm dad

When doing activities in the community, a post-90s mother told me about such a thing: "Teacher, my son is only 4 years old, I feel that it is difficult to carry him!" The mother was full of resentment and a little anger at the child's words, and I hurriedly asked, "Why do you say that?" ”

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

The mother said with a little sadness: "The teacher said that your child is not concentrating, let you do nothing when you go to class!" The art teacher, the basketball teacher, and the main belt teacher all said this to me. Moreover, my children's homework is also rubbed, just write a seven and eight red, I can't leave, as soon as I leave, they will call me. Although the teacher does not require it, the children in the class group are writing and memorizing poems every day, and we can't be too far behind, right? ”

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

I listened to my mother's description, a black line in my head! If you meet your child's teacher, especially a kindergarten teacher, says so, parents must have the ability to think critically:

First, the lack of concentration has nothing to do with the child's disobedience in class. Children in art class to draw according to their own ideas, basketball class did not cheer other children but their own shooting, these behaviors do not indicate that children are not attentive, there are attention problems. Instead, I don't think it's a bad thing, because children have their own minds and dare to realize their own ideas.

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

Second, the teacher judges the child's performance in this way, indicating that the teacher's classroom control, classroom organization ability, classroom attractiveness is not enough, and the child's development is not understood. Parents should be careful to seek validation, argue, or even change kindergartens.

Third, the state has repeatedly ordered that kindergartens not be allowed to teach in advance, and there is still such a phenomenon, and there is a "competition" situation in the class group, which is even more undesirable.

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

Fourth, because the small muscle group of the child's hand has not been fully developed, the bones of the wrist are not fully calcified, and the wrist strength is weak, so the 4-year-old child does not fully have the ability to hold a pen and write. Secondly, the child needs his mother to accompany him to write homework, which actually reflects the lack of daily companionship, or the lack of spiritual companionship and high-quality companionship, which is only accompanied.

Fifth, when the mother sees the performance of other children, she begins to feel anxious about her child's performance. Although children's academic performance and grades are important, they cannot be measured by a ruler. Secondly, there are differences in children's individual factors, such as: growth environment, growth experience, parent-child interaction mode, maturity of children's individual development and other factors.

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

What should parents do when they encounter a teacher evaluating their child's behavior?

First of all, consideration should be given to whether there is an inevitable causal link between the teacher's evaluation of the child and the child's behavior. Just like the child's performance mentioned in the case, it cannot be called inattention, but the child has his own ideas and wants to act according to his own ideas. In other words, the teacher's classroom cannot attract the child's attention.

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

Second, constructivism argues that "learners do not enter the classroom empty-headed at all times; knowledge needs to be constructed by the learners themselves, and the teacher's most important task is to help learners process and transform knowledge." "Therefore, the classroom should not be an indoctrination classroom, but a heuristic, inducing, exploratory classroom." Therefore, based on the constructivist point of view, parents should also take into account the teacher's factor, rather than thinking that "the teacher is all right".

Third, the child does not cooperate with the teacher's classroom teaching process, and there may be that the child's sense of order is not established well enough, and it has nothing to do with attention.

Parents should be careful of teachers saying: "Your son is not concentrating, let him do nothing!" ”

Conclusion: Parents who receive a negative evaluation of their children from teachers do not have to reprimand their children too hastily, it may not be the child's fault. Analyze and verify the results yourself, and then take measures. Otherwise, if the direction is wrong, isn't it the opposite?

@37 Degrees Warm Dad Psychological Institute Marriage, Family and Parent-Child Relationship in-the-job research, sharing psychological parenting knowledge every day. According to incomplete statistics: 99.99% of people who pay attention to warm fathers have happier marriages and more well-behaved children.

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