
J Dad's Book of Discipline (111) Gratitude is at the heart of filial piety

Article 111 Cultivating Children's Filial Piety from an Early Age (II)

Continued from the previous part) Parents have children, and they are the people who their children should be most grateful for. From the moment a child falls to the ground, parents become their most trustworthy and closest people. Most Chinese parents can do their best for their children, work harder for their children; they are reluctant to buy expensive things, but their children can't do it; time other than work is almost all spent on their children... The love of parents for their children is regardless of cost and return, and children with such parents are happy and full of love in their hearts.

As children, filial piety to parents is also natural, just as parents pay for their children. But there are many concepts in traditional filial piety that are contrary to human nature and inappropriate for the present, which need to be discarded, but gratitude is the most essential part of filial piety, which needs to be inherited and carried forward by each generation.

Man is a social animal, and interaction and cooperation with others constitute the most important basic activity in the social system. The two most basic key elements of human interaction are integrity and gratitude. With integrity, people can cooperate for a long time, and with gratitude, people can help each other for a long time. So gratitude is a basic quality that is as important as integrity. Without gratitude, even with integrity, there will be no long-term mutual cooperation with others.

J Dad's Book of Discipline (111) Gratitude is at the heart of filial piety

Parents are the people who their children should be most grateful for, if their children are not filial to their parents, and even the people they should be most grateful for do not reciprocate, then will they be good to those who have nothing to do with them? Even if he is good to such a person and has helped such a person, he will not have any gratitude, because even if he gave birth to his parents, he does not know gratitude, and it is strange to have a grateful heart for a stranger who has helped him. The only reason why such a person is good to others is that he wants to continue to benefit from others, and once that person loses his use value, he will ignore it and even repay the virtue with resentment.

So there is no doubt that people who are not filial to their parents are not worth associating with, and do not have any illusions about them, because they cannot even meet the most basic standards of human behavior, the only way is to stay away from them, not to have any intersection, because they only have themselves in their hearts, there will be no others, and there will never be gratitude. Even if it looks like a good person, it is pretended. Such a person should not be reused, and should not be promoted, even if he is capable again. Because you may just be a ladder he climbs up, and when he goes up a ladder he will kick you away without mercy. Therefore, to make friends or cooperate for a long time in society, we must find a way to understand the relationship between the other party and his parents, which is a tried and tested practical experience.

J Dad's Book of Discipline (111) Gratitude is at the heart of filial piety

So how to let children develop the awareness and habit of filial piety from an early age? There is only one simple and difficult method, and that is for parents to practice it. If parents respect and filial piety to their parents, then the children will be very filial to the elderly in the next generation, and this filial piety will also be transferred to the parents. Because when the child is young, there is no ethical concept and logical thinking, parents are good to their children, but the children do not understand, and even think that things should be so, no big deal. Children are more perceptual to the external world and learn from the behavior of others, rather than understanding the logic and truth behind the behavior. Therefore, at this time, too much preaching is of little significance, saying things that children cannot understand once, repeating a thousand times may not be understood by children. Therefore, the best way to educate at this stage is to practice what you preach, do it yourself, and be sure to let the child see that after a long time, the child can also do it.

If parents do not respect their parents, do not filial piety, do not visit their parents, or quarrel with their parents or even start to scold, the child will feel that this behavior is very normal in the eyes, is the right way to treat parents. When they grow up, will they become children of filial piety to their parents? They will think that it is normal and natural not to be filial to their parents. Therefore, parents must be a filial piety child, be kind to their parents, even if their parents have many problems, the most basic respect is still necessary. Otherwise, when their children grow up, they will be treated the same "treatment". The so-called heavenly cycle, retribution is not happy, the way they treat their parents, will eventually return to their own body.

J Dad's Book of Discipline (111) Gratitude is at the heart of filial piety

As the saying goes, "a day for the teacher, a lifetime for the father", the teacher is also like the parents, in the beginning of the child's stage to give them warmth and love. Enlightenment education is the most important education in life and affects a child's life. So a responsible, loving teacher is as kind to a child as a parent. Respecting teachers and re-teaching is a virtue of a harmonious society, so respecting teachers is also a kind of filial piety. But in the right way, don't honor the teacher for the sake of the master. The true teacher is filial piety from the heart, which will accompany the child throughout his life and fill the child with gratitude.

May all children respect their parents, be filial to their parents, and respect their teachers, and their path of life will be smoother and broader. (To be continued)

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