
Why are public kindergartens based on play?

Whether it is a public kindergarten or a private kindergarten, the development of education and teaching activities should be carried out in accordance with the "Guide to the Learning and Development of Children aged 3-6" and the "Kindergarten Guiding Outline" all proposed to "promote kindergartens to establish a scientific view of children and education, adhere to the basic activities of play, reasonably arrange children's daily life, and promote children's learning and development in play and life".

Therefore, the education methods of kindergartens are mainly based on games, especially public kindergartens should closely follow the ideological policies and strictly implement them to avoid "primary schooling". Therefore, all the educational and teaching activities in the kindergarten are carried out in the form of games, which is the most in line with the characteristics of children's learning and the law of growth and development.

Why are public kindergartens based on play?

According to the learning characteristics of 3-6-year-old children, children's learning style is based on direct experience, and children must directly perceive, actually operate, and personally experience in order to truly acquire knowledge and experience.

Montessori once said, "I heard, I forgot, I saw, I remembered, I did, I understood."

The main form of activity is to allow children to acquire knowledge, experience, abilities and skills in enjoyable games.

Why are public kindergartens based on play?

Play is the nature of children, and the form of play can improve children's interest, and interest is the best teacher for children, so children can learn faster and better to exercise knowledge and ability. Through the process of play, children can carry out repeated operation exercises, which further consolidates the children's mastery of knowledge and skills.

In addition, the kindergarten's education and teaching activities are carried out with the theme of games, these games are not simply happy and happy, just play, and the game activities are purposeful and educational.

For example, stacking a small paper boat on the water surface, that is, you can exercise the development of children's finger muscle groups through origami, cultivate children's perception of beauty, and also explore why the boat can float on the water, carry out scientific activities to educate and gain knowledge and experience in games.

Why are public kindergartens based on play?

Therefore, in our view, children are just eating, drinking and having fun in kindergarten every day, in fact, there is a lot of education contained in it. At the same time, as parents, we can also accompany our children to a variety of games, not only to effectively accompany, but also through games to let children master skills, learn knowledge, and cultivate emotions.

The above is some of my experience sharing, I hope to help everyone, if there is any deficiency, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you

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