
Children and adolescents health protection!

FM 96.9Life Radio


Health protection for children and adolescents


—7 key points to keep in mind —

Children and adolescents health protection!

Caring for children and adolescents

Do a good job of health protection

Children and adolescents health protection!

Maintain a scientific and regular work and rest time, ensure adequate sleep, combine work and leisure, reduce sedentary, moderate exercise.

Children and adolescents health protection!

Pay attention to personal hygiene, timely hand hygiene, avoid touching the mouth, eyes, and nose with unclean hands, cover the mouth, nose with a tissue when sneezing, coughing, or use elbows and arms to cover. Use daily necessities alone.

Children and adolescents who meet the vaccinations should be vaccinated, and personal protection is still required after vaccination.

Children and adolescents health protection!

Minimize travel to crowded and poorly ventilated places, and reduce gatherings, dinners, and other gatherings.

Masks are required in confined places, crowded places and when travelling on public transportation. After the mask gets wet or dirty, replace it in time.

Children and adolescents health protection!

Conduct daily self-health monitoring, measure and record body temperature and pay attention to observe other suspicious symptoms, and report fever, cough and other suspicious symptoms in accordance with relevant regulations when they appear.

Children and adolescents health protection!

Pay attention to eye hygiene and do a good job in myopia prevention and control.

Do a good job in the daily health protection of children and adolescents,


Source: Healthy China

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