
Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

author:The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology served as the former director
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been indicated at the end of the article, please be aware.

What is the first and last thing to do each day? Dine? Motion?

Actually, no, the correct answer should be washing, washing your face to ensure that your mind is clear, your face is clean and tidy, brushing your teeth to keep your mouth healthy and your teeth white, washing your feet to relax your muscles and bones, and soothing your blood and nerves, but these don't seem to be enough.

Many people may ask, aren't these just daily washing?

Could there be anything else? This brings us to the topic we are talking about today: washing the anus, hearing this word, different people must have different reactions, people with this habit will probably smile, while people who have not experienced it will feel a little embarrassed, thinking that this can be counted as a daily wash?

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

Due to the particularity of its part, the act of washing the anus can rarely be talked about in life, and people with this habit feel that this behavior is very beneficial to themselves, but they are embarrassed to introduce it to others, and those who want to know are also ashamed to ask about it.

So today, we will explain to you clearly the habit of washing the anus at one time, is it good to wash the anus?

Why "anal washing"? What are the benefits of "washing the anus"?

First of all, let's talk about the conclusion whether it is good to wash the anus, and the answer is good.

Anal washing actually has its own benefits like other washing methods, and even due to the particularity of the part, the benefits are more than those of other washing, so we will introduce them to you one by one.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

First of all, it is conducive to the hygiene of private parts, this part of the anus is the opening of the rectum, and it is also the outlet of our human body. Because of this, the anal area is prone to the residue of excrement, which is difficult for us to completely remove with toilet paper, and the presence of these residues has a needless impact on the hygiene of our private parts.

If not cleaned up in time, it is not only easy to breed bacteria, but also easy to cause skin allergies around the anus, the structure of the anal part has a certain particularity, it is the place where the intestinal lumen is directly connected with the outside world, the outside is the skin epidermis, but the inner is the intestinal cavity mucosa, and the uncleanliness of the external hygiene can easily lead to inflammation of the internal mucosa or rash on the external skin.

In addition, our anus is in a stuffy and humid state when sitting and lying every day, which can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria, and if the anal area is not well cleaned, it will become a gateway for foreign bacteria to invade, which is especially dangerous for women.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

Because the female urethra is relatively short and close to the perianal area, the bacteria that breed around the anus are more likely to invade the urethra and cause gynecological diseases, in fact, many gynecological inflammation is indeed caused by perianal infection, after all, the urethra is not as good as the rectum, once the bacteria invade, it is easy to directly infect the entire urinary system along the urethra.

Therefore, it is of great significance for women to develop the habit of cleaning the anus to prevent gynecological diseases such as vaginitis and cervicitis.

At the same time, as we mentioned above, the environment in which the anus is in a stuffy and humid state every day is a stuffy and humid state, especially in the summer, I think I have the experience of feeling sweaty on the buttocks and buttocks not long after sitting down, which can easily lead to eczema and other diseases around the anus, and sweat gland secretions are easy to gather in the folds around the anus, resulting in a sharp increase in the risk of perianal infection.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

Developing the habit of regularly cleaning the anus can not only ensure the removal of perianal excrement residues, avoid stains in the perianal folds to the greatest extent, but also relieve the stuffiness of the anus and avoid eczema and other conditions, so washing the anus does have many benefits.

How do you wash your anus? There's a lot of knowledge here, and these things should be taken care of

We talked about the benefits of washing the anus above, and many friends may be eager to clean their private parts, but before that, it is recommended that you read the following content carefully, after all, how to wash the anus is also very knowledgeable.

First of all, anal cleaning is different from our ordinary daily washing, generally speaking, it is not recommended to use any chemical cleaning products, whether it is soap or shower gel, because we have emphasized above that the anus will turn into the internal mucosa not far inward, these chemical products are often alkaline or acidic, which will not only directly stimulate the mucosa and induce inflammation, but also disrupt the normal acid-base balance in the anus.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

Therefore, when cleaning the anus, we generally recommend using warm water cleaning, and you can choose a sitz bath or shower head cleaning method, here we mainly use a sitz bath to explain.

First of all, prepare a basin of warm water about 35-40°C, this temperature should not be too high, because during the cleaning process we inevitably need to touch the internal mucosa, and the mucosa is much more sensitive to temperature than the external skin, so the appropriate temperature is very important.

When the appropriate water is prepared, it is the main cleaning process, and you need to pay attention to this process, and you must pay attention to the strength when cleaning. Because the perianal skin is relatively more fragile, once you exert too much force, it is easy to cause skin breakage or even mucosal congestion and inflammation.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

In addition, we only wash the skin and folds around the anus, and do not need to go deeper.

Some friends think that if they want to clean, they should clean as much as possible, but the inside of the anal area is the end of the rectum, that is, where we store excrement, this cleaning behavior is meaningless for internal cleaning, on the contrary, it is easy to bring bacteria from the outside into the intestines during cleaning, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal infection.

After cleaning, we need to wipe the anus dry with a paper towel or sanitary napkin immediately, many friends like to dry naturally after washing their feet, thinking that it is more comfortable, but this habit should not be brought to the anal cleaning;

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

As we mentioned above, the very important purpose of anal washing is to alleviate the effects of the hot and humid environment around the anus; If not dried in time, it is difficult to dry the moisture in the skin folds around the anus naturally, especially after washing, we often need to put on clothes, if not carefully dried, it is easy to cause the humid environment around the anus to be more serious.

Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to the number and frequency of cleaning the anus, generally speaking, once a day is enough, for friends who are more sensitive to the skin around the anus or other reasons, it is also feasible to clean it once every two to three days, if it is too frequent, especially the sitz bath method may lead to the swelling of the skin around the anus, and then induce other symptoms.

Do you notice a lump when you clean your anus? Beware of these diseases

Some friends may find a lump around the anus when cleaning the anus, is this hemorrhoids?

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

It is true that hemorrhoids are the first answer we think of, hemorrhoids are generally divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids, generally speaking, this kind of hemorrhoids that can be directly touched when being cleaned is external hemorrhoids, in addition to being able to feel it, it is often accompanied by obvious pain and even blood in the stool when going to the toilet.

So are there any other diseases besides hemorrhoids? The answer is yes, of course.

In addition to hemorrhoids, many anorectal diseases can cause lumps around the anus, such as anal papillomas, which are chronic, fibrous inflammatory growths, which are pedunculated lumps formed by infection and growth of anal papillae in the anal canal. In addition, anorectal diseases such as anal fistula and anal sinusitis may cause lumps around the anus.

In addition to anorectal diseases, perianal infections are also an important cause of lumps.

Do you have a habit of "washing your anus"? What are the benefits of washing? Don't be shy, teach you to clean scientifically

For example, perianal abscess, which is an acute purulent infection that occurs mainly in the anal crypt. When the infection occurs, it spreads along the anal glands and lymph into the space around the anal canal and rectum, forming an abscess that can be felt to the touch.

Finally, if the lump is hard or has been present for a long time, it is necessary to consider the presence of tumors and viral infections, such as common rectal cancer and syphilitic genital warts.

Therefore, if we feel the presence of lumps for several days in a row when cleaning the perianal area, especially when these lumps are accompanied by other pain, bleeding, and pus, we must seek medical attention in time, and do not delay the condition because of face problems.


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