
Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

With a thunderclap on the ground, He Xiaopeng, the head of Xiaopeng Automobile, openly shouted at a car company on social media: "It will beat you to the point of not being able to find the east, and said that the future will touch you in the international market." Could it be that XiaoPeng has some secret weapon in hand? What about Xiaopeng now?

Development status of Xiaopeng

Since its establishment in 2015, Xiaopeng has become one of the most outstanding intelligent electric vehicles in China in just six or seven years. According to IHS Markit, as of 2020, Xiaopeng Motors' market share in the domestic tram market accounted for 2.8%, ranking 12th, while in the high-end tram market, the market share reached 6.6%, ranking fourth. In addition, the delivery volume of Xiaopeng Motors is also growing rapidly, from 29 vehicles in 2018 at the beginning, directly soaring to 27,041 units in 2020, and now it has exceeded 100,000 sales. Based on the continuous upgrading of its hardware and software technology, Xiaopeng's new generation of P7 models has also been officially launched, and Xiaopeng, who is smooth sailing, seems to have gradually lost himself in his greenhouse.

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Tesla is gaining momentum

Tesla, which is also a giant in the smart electric vehicle industry, is obviously more aggressive. After more than a decade of development, Tesla has also jumped from an unknown small enterprise in Silicon Valley to become the world's largest electric vehicle company in terms of market capitalization. Tesla also sold 930,000 vehicles in 2021, accounting for 14.4% of the global auto market, ranking first. The reason why Tesla has achieved such excellent results is inseparable from the "help" of the Chinese market. 2021 can be described as a year of outbreak in the electric vehicle market, and the total number of new energy vehicles increased by 160% year-on-year. In this context, Tesla is even more successful, occupying half of China's new energy market.

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Xiao Peng shouted Tesla

With the continuous expansion of the stock price of the car, some new domestic car-making forces have also expanded, and even Xiaopeng dares to call Tesla. Before the domestic new energy vehicle manufacturer Xiaopeng publicly launched a confrontation with Tesla, the owner of Xiaopeng Automobile openly shouted "someone" on the social platform, saying that the upcoming release of the next generation of Xiaopeng self-driving cars containing lidar will hit you and can't find the east, and threatened that it will meet you internationally soon. Of course, with his toes, you can also think that this person is Musk, and Musk is certainly not used to it, directly responding to "lidar is a fool's thing, anyone with lidar is doomed to failure."

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

There used to be festivals

And He Xiaopeng and Musk's beams actually planted seeds as early as the first two years. In March 2019, Tesla filed a lawsuit against Cao Guangzhi, a former employee of Xiaopeng Motors, for the theft of core technology codes, saying that it transferred company secrets to personal devices, and pointed out that Cao Guangzhi used the source code on Xiaopeng. After that, Musk also pointed out many times that Xiaopeng copied Tesla's technology.

And Xiaopeng took the P7 to shout Musk again, which seems to be expressing the strong dissatisfaction of Musk who said that he copied it before. In fact, the automotive industry touching the porcelain Tesla is not a new thing, what is more outrageous is that at the Xiaopeng P7 conference, Xiaopeng not only benchmarked Tesla, but also moved out a number of luxury cars such as Porsche and BMW, and won the parameters to give these luxury cars a good "lesson".

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?


As the war of words between Xiaopeng and Tesla continues to escalate, can Xiaopeng really beat Tesla and find no east? In the short term, it seems that the difficulty is relatively large. Although Xiaopeng still has a technological leading advantage compared with the new domestic car-making forces, compared with Tesla, the gap is still obvious. First of all, it must be the difference in performance, the same as the front and rear dual motors, Tesla Model 3 the maximum power is 357KW, while the Xiaopeng P7 only reaches 317KW; Tesla Zero Hundred accelerates by 3.3 seconds, while the Xiaopeng P7 takes 4.3 seconds.

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Secondly, in terms of battery life, the MODEL 3's CLTC pure electric mileage is 556km, while the Xiaopeng P7's NEDC pure electric mileage is only 480km. The most important thing is definitely Tesla's sales and brand influence in the field of pure electric vehicles. According to the financial data of the year, the number of deliveries of Xiaopeng in the first quarter was 6210 units, while the delivery volume of Tesla Model 3 in the same quarter has reached 34170 vehicles, which is 5 times that of Xiaopeng Motors. Not to mention upgrading to the brand level, whether it is market sales or popularity, everyone knows it.

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

A fire broke out in the backyard

Just when Xiao Peng was about to beat Tesla and couldn't find the east, the voice had not completely fallen, and his backyard was on fire. A video of the Xiaopeng G3 spontaneously combusting in the charging station was circulated on the Internet, but fortunately the fire truck arrived in time at that time, which did not cause a tragedy. However, as of April 15, Xiaopeng did not stand up and respond. In fact, it is not only Xiaopeng G3 that has spontaneously combusted, but also spontaneous combustion occurred in Guangdong in February of that year. Nowadays, for Xiao Peng, who made bold remarks before, although there is no follow-up after the incident, but with the frequent accidents of Xiao Peng, the author believes that it is better to wipe his own ass clean first, and then think of "hitting others".

In fact, as a new force in new energy vehicles, it is more important to work hard behind closed doors, and strength is the only criterion for determining height. Trying to develop their own new things, rumors may not be self-destructive, and it is useless to always rely on touching the porcelain to stir-fry the heat, and the only way to go is to end the road. (Nian Yao)

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Zeng hao said that he would beat Tesla to Xiaopeng who could not find Dong, how did he mix?

Xiao Peng, who used to beat Tesla to the point of not being able to find The East, now what?

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