
Kanxin 丨 Chang'an C385 Ming Xiu Trail, BYD Seal Darkness Chen Cang

Kanxin 丨 Chang'an C385 Ming Xiu Trail, BYD Seal Darkness Chen Cang
Kanxin 丨 Chang'an C385 Ming Xiu Trail, BYD Seal Darkness Chen Cang

A false shot?

Video: Car industry talk

Edit: Mei Mei

With the gradual disclosure of the information of Changan Deep Blue C385 and BYD Seals, everyone is looking forward to these two cars. These two cars, whether from the shape, positioning or the manufacturer's publicity tone, are aimed at the Tesla Model 3.

Kanxin 丨 Chang'an C385 Ming Xiu Trail, BYD Seal Darkness Chen Cang

But are the C385 and SEAL really trying to pull the Model 3 off the altar? In my opinion, this may be one of the goals, but it is not the most important goal...

Judging from the tram sales rankings in recent months, in addition to the price range of about 200,000, other market segments of 500,000-300,000 have more eye-catching models, so for C385 and SEAL, it is more important to seize the right to speak in the price range of about 200,000 than to beat the Model 3.

Kanxin 丨 Chang'an C385 Ming Xiu Trail, BYD Seal Darkness Chen Cang

Moreover, the new Han EV has raised the price of the entry-level model to 269,800 yuan, which also means to make way for seals. Combined with Tesla's 32.9% gross vehicle gross margin, the cost of model 3 is 189,000 yuan, and the author boldly guesses that the main sales models of C385 and SEAL are most likely between 180,000 and 250,000 yuan. Highly overlapping with this is the Xiaopeng P5, which is priced at 177,900-249,900 yuan!

With the C385 and seals about to go public, Musk is certainly not panicked, but He Xiaopeng does not know if he panics...

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