
The most taboo thing to teach children is extreme thinking! Parents must avoid it!

The most taboo thing to teach children is extreme thinking! Parents must avoid it!

People exist systematically, and everyone's growth process involves all aspects! Physical health, mental health, knowledge learning, ideological growth,......, every aspect is very important.

Human growth needs a process, it takes time, and any change in any aspect requires a time process, and it is impossible to become what it is all at once.

Some aspects of children's growth are automatically completed by the body, such as height; some aspects of growth need to be completed by adults, such as eating and drinking, physical safety, knowledge and experience learning; some aspects of growth are grown through children's experience of the environment, such as psychology and emotions.

Now the society is too peaceful and the sanitary material conditions are good. Psychological and emotional growth is the most heart-wrenching place, it determines the child's personality, slightly careless, easy to deviate too much.

Psychology and emotion are also a huge system that needs to be developed and grown as a whole to ensure that children have a healthy psychology. Psychological and emotional changes also require enough time, the most taboo to quickly, the most taboo single-sided experience.

For example, if the child is distracted, you cannot simply ask the child to concentrate, nor can you use a certain coercive measure to make the child change, which will cause problems and cause new psychological and emotional problems for the child.

In fact, the use of any single method to solve the child's psychological and emotional problems is the product of extreme logic, and it is a manifestation of disrespect for the child's own personality.

The correct approach must be to understand their children first, first communicate with their children, find out the cause of a certain problem of the child, and then start for the cause, each measure is either what the child does not feel, or the child can accept it cognitively, and avoid acting arbitrarily.

In this way, a parent's true love can be realized, rather than the love that the parent thinks he or she thinks.

Parents are invited to learn more!

The most taboo thing to teach children is extreme thinking! Parents must avoid it!

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