
Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

Poisonous tongue mama

2024-05-26 08:03Published in Fujian

Recently, Taiwanese artists collectively expressed their positions, which once again aroused the attention of the whole network, in addition to paying attention to who posted the article first, they are also curious about who will be silent to the end, after all, in the current situation, it seems that it really says everything.

Among all the Taiwanese artists who have spoken out, the one that the editor admires the most is Xiao Jingteng!

Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

On the evening of May 25, Xiao Jingteng posted an article expressing his position, he first explained to everyone the reason why he delayed his voice, because Xiao Jingteng's mother has been sick recently, and he has been busy taking care of it, so he didn't have time to express his attitude.

In order to truly express his attitude, Xiao Jingteng did not simply forward the official media, but wrote a paragraph of content himself, true and specific, no sidelines, no ambiguity, no two-faced person, and what is even more rare and commendable is that Xiao Jingteng actually posted exactly the same content on Weibo and INS at the same time.

Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

Although many Taiwanese artists have expressed their attitudes before, most of them have only forwarded official media, and they have not synchronized to the Internet, to put it bluntly, they are just to show their attitude to mainland netizens, and Xiao Jingteng is more like the behavior of all accounts at the same time, which is indeed particularly eye-catching.

While admiring Xiao Jingteng, netizens also joked: "Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!" ”

Everyone knows that this time many Taiwanese artists have issued a position statement, except for Jay Chou, his status in the mainland music scene is needless to say, so many people are looking forward to his attitude, but fans have defended Jay Chou, saying that he did not use Weibo, and he has mentioned his patriotic feelings many times before, and now there is no need to prove it.

Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!
Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

And what's even more interesting is that Jay Chou actually posted two pieces of content in a row on the Internet: "Do Not Disturb Mode Activated", does he not want to get involved in this matter, or is he simply unwilling to respond?

After comparing Xiao Jingteng's behavior, many people think that Jay Chou is even more ridiculous, he can speak out but put on that cool appearance, which is really disappointing, and some people even think that Jay Chou will become the way he is now, the main reason for Kunling. Because some netizens broke the news before, Kunling is suspected of being a "Taiwan D", and it is normal for Jay Chou to change when she lives with her.

Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

Of course, we also hope that the above speculations are all chasing after the wind, Jay Chou has indeed left us a lot of excellent works, and I don't want him to be late in the future, it would be a pity, what do you think about this?

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  • Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!
  • Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!
  • Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!
  • Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!
  • Xiao Jingteng updated all accounts at the same time to show his attitude, netizens: Jay will be even more embarrassed next week!

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