
Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

author:Diandian Sports said
Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

On the evening of May 15, Xiao Jingteng shared a set of cover photos taken with his beloved wife Lin Youhui on his personal social platform, allowing people to witness the sweetness and romance of the couple again.

Their relationship story has a long history, and people can't help but sigh: this kind of love is really enviable.

Xiao Jingteng, born in Taipei City, has a family background that is not wealthy.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

His mother is from the Ami ethnic group in Hualien County, and he has two older brothers and one older sister.

When he was a child, he was not an excellent student, but because of dyslexia, he did not get good grades, coupled with his aggressive personality, he often fought and bullied his classmates, and was even sent to a youth counseling center.

In the counseling center, Xiao Jingteng met the people who changed his life.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

A tutor who cared about him discovered his talent in music, bought him a drum set, and made him a drum teacher to teach others to play the drums.

At the same time, the teacher also patiently guided him: "You are so good at playing the drums, and if you use the strength of the fight in music, you may be able to achieve success." These words deeply touched Xiao Jingteng, and he decided to devote all his enthusiasm to music.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Netizens are also full of emotion about Xiao Jingteng's growth process.

Someone commented: "Xiao Jingteng's story teaches us that everyone has a shining side, and they just need to find a way that suits them." ”

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Another netizen also left a message: "Xiao Jingteng was not a good student when he was a child, but he found his direction in life through music, which is really great!" ”

Xiao Jingteng's story is also an inspiration to many young people.

Some netizens wrote: "After watching Xiao Jingteng's experience, I also want to work hard to find my interests and areas of expertise!" ”

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Another person sighed: "This is the so-called 'changing fate', it's not easy, but it's not impossible." ”

Through hard work and perseverance, Xiao Jingteng has gradually become a bright star in the music industry.

He broke his limitations, showed extraordinary talent and charisma, and gave countless people courage and hope.

And 17 years ago, the young Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui met for the first time, and their love story began.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

At that time, Xiao Jingteng had the vitality and passion of a young man in his eyes, while Lin Youhui showed the charm and stability of a mature woman.

The age difference between the two does not seem to be an obstacle to their relationship, but adds a special tacit understanding and tolerance.

When they first met, Xiao Jingteng was attracted by Lin Youhui's beauty and connotation.

His admiration and love for her never stopped, as if it was an old wine, the more you tasted it, the more fragrant it became.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

And Lin Youhui also saw Xiao Jingteng's talent and sincerity, and the two gradually got closer in their common interests and ideas, and each other's hearts were silently closer.

As time went on, their feelings grew stronger.

Lin Youhui is about to celebrate her 51st birthday, but she exudes an incredibly youthful energy and a beautiful temperament.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

For this beautiful woman who is over half a hundred years old, Xiao Jingteng is full of admiration and praise.

He likes to look at Lin Youhui's confident and beautiful smile, as if it is the most beautiful scenery on the road to love him.

In their love story, there is no shortage of sweetness and romance.

Every group photo, every interaction is full of warmth and happiness.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Xiao Jingteng always expresses his deep affection for Lin Youhui with "looking at his wife's eyes" in the camera, and his eyes are full of love and doting.

Lin Youhui has always shown support and understanding for Xiao Jingteng, and her smile contains confidence and expectation for the future.

The relationship has not been smooth sailing, and it has experienced many challenges and trials.

But it is these trials and experiences that make their feelings more firm and mature.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Xiao Jingteng once tattooed Lin Youhui's English name, this romantic act not only shows his love, but also a solemn commitment to the relationship between the two.

When Lin Youhui saw this tattoo, her heart was full of emotion and happiness, and she knew that she had a good man who loved and cherished her.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

In this co-production blockbuster, Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui showed their loving side.

Dressed as a couple, they strolled through a tranquil grove, holding hands in a gesture that revealed a sense of intimacy and tacit understanding.

Lin Youhui's long hair fluttered gently, and her smile was full of joy, as if with a gentle power.

Xiao Jingteng hugged his wife's waist tightly, and his eyes flashed with deep affection for her.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

As soon as this set of photos was released, it immediately caused heated discussions among fans.

Some netizens commented: "Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui are too sweet! Walking hand in hand in the woods, it's like a scene from a movie! Another netizen joked: "Looking at this loving appearance, I want to find a partner immediately!" ”

This authentic expression fully demonstrates the public's affection and recognition for the couple.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

And Xiao Jingteng expressed his love for his wife with various "eyes of his wife".

Some netizens commented: "Lin Youhui in Xiao Jingteng's eyes is simply a portrayal of love!" His eyes were full of love and care for his wife. ”

Another fan also sighed: "Looking at this couple, I believe that true love exists!" Their every movement reveals infinite warmth and happiness. ”

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

The studio highly praised the relationship between Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, saying that their love is long and full of sweetness.

Each group photo reveals their happiness and warmth, as if it is a beautiful scene in a picture.

The tacit understanding and intimacy between the couple is undoubtedly touching.

When netizens saw Xiao Jingteng tattooing his wife's English name on his ring finger, they were also moved.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

Someone commented: "This romantic detail really warms people's hearts. Another netizen also left a message: "The love story of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui is as beautiful as a fairy tale, I hope they will be happy forever!" ”

In general, the love story of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui is indeed a sweet and long-term melody.

Their relationship is not only enviable, but also the best interpretation of true love.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

May this couple be happy forever and love forever! Such blessings and expectations also represent the blessings and affection that many people have for them.

Because their story is not only touching, but also a beautiful display of love, I hope this happiness can continue forever.

Xiao Jingteng and his wife make a blockbuster! The whole process has become "looking at his wife and falling in love", 50-year-old Lin Youhui is super beautiful

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