
Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

author:Gossip Baby PLUS

In October last year, Xiao Jingteng married Lin Youhui, an agent who was 14 years older than him, only 4 months after the two made their relationship public (formal proposal).

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Soon, Xiao Jingteng and his wife will usher in the first anniversary of their marriage proposal, which is Lin Youhui's birthday, June 27.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Lin Youhui will turn 51 years old in June this year, and she and Xiao Jingteng (37 years old) have discussed whether they will have children before they get married.

Before getting married, they had known each other for 16 years, and if they wanted to have children, they would have given birth a long time ago, but the result of their many discussions was "no children".

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

On May 15, Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui were interviewed by a fashion magazine in Taiwan and took a series of sweet husband and wife photos.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

In the interview, Xiao Jingteng publicly confessed to his wife, "Summer (Lin Youhui) is my soul, my light, my everything, her eyebrows, a look, or a certification, are very important to me, sometimes it gives me great encouragement, sometimes it gives me great pressure." ”

This "sister and brother love", which is 14 years apart, in Xiao Jingteng's mouth, is his "long-term plan" for the woman, and the two can get married, all of which Xiao Jingteng begged for back with a "dead face".

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Xiao Jingteng told reporters that he originally did not plan to propose to Summer, and his plan was to get married directly before the woman's 50th birthday.

However, Lin Youhui, as an agent, told Xiao Jingteng very sensibly: It is impossible to get married at this time, because the schedule is too full.

"I can't get married right away, and I insist that before she turns 50, I must let the world know that the two of us are together, so I can only propose."

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

The two met for the first time and chatted for an afternoon, Xiao Jingteng said that he didn't remember the specific content of the chat, but he felt that he had no pressure that day, was very comfortable, and did not have any sense of oppression.

Lin Youhui recalled that they didn't talk about cooperation that day, nor did they talk about future plans, they just chatted, most of the time, it was Lin Youhui who was talking, Xiao Jingteng listened, and he rarely spoke.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Lin Youhui formed a new agency company at that time, with few employees, and she herself lacked experience in running a singer independently.

Xiao Jingteng has accumulated a certain popularity by singing in the restaurant, and many powerful companies want to sign a contract with him, in this case, Lin Youhui has become not very active, she met Xiao Jingteng just to make a statement, and she did not fight for it particularly hard.

Her "inactive" attitude moved Xiao Jingteng, who was not yet 20 years old.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

After meeting for the first time, Lin Youhui did not take the initiative to contact Xiao Jingteng, but one day, she suddenly received a call from the other party, Xiao Jingteng said, "I am surrounded by the media, can you come and help me?" ”

The situation that day was very special, Xiao Jingteng went to the restaurant to sing as usual, but he didn't expect the show that made him popular overnight to be broadcast, the audience ran to the restaurant to find someone, plus the media who heard the news, the scene was incomprehensible, Xiao Jingteng was frightened, he had to call Lin Youhui and ask the other party for help.

Lin Youhui herself doesn't have much experience, but Xiao Jingteng asked for help, and she went over immediately, and her righteous help gave Xiao Jingteng a great sense of security.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

The outside world thinks it is strange, why does Xiao Jingteng fall in love with a woman who is 14 years older than him?

He explained, "I have always felt that I am a marginalized person in society, because when I was growing up, the most lacking thing was care, which made my life have two links that turned 180 degrees, one was the teachers and social workers who tutored me in junior high school, and the other was Summer. ”

I believe many people know that Xiao Jingteng was very rebellious in adolescence, skipping school, fighting, brawling and smoking, which caused his parents a headache.

When he was most confused in his life, Xiao Jingteng met a good social worker, who asked Xiao Jingteng to study music and helped him find his purpose in life.

Although Xiao Jingteng has only met Lin Youhui once, he saw the kindness and patience of those social workers in her, "Although we only met once at that time, I just have an inexplicable trust in her, very, very trust, and I believe that she will not hurt me." ”

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

In fact, even if Xiao Jingteng didn't meet Lin Youhui, with his character, his partner must be a mature and stable young lady who provides him with emotional value.

Xiao Jingteng became popular overnight, Lin Youhui had just started a business, she didn't have the confidence to help the other party reach the peak of her career, her initial plan was to find a suitable brokerage company for Xiao Jingteng.

But Xiao Jingteng objected, he needed Lin Youhui, "She is resistant, but I just think I need her very much, so it's me, and I have to stick to her all the time." ”

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Before Xiao Jingteng turned 20, the signing matters had to be decided by his parents, and on his 20th birthday, he appeared in Lin Youhui's office with his ID card and insisted on signing a contract with the other party.

Lin Youhui said with a smile, "We can go all the way together like this, it's really because of his persistence." ”

This relationship was Xiao Jingteng's initiative from the beginning.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

After the two cooperated, Xiao Jingteng found that he and Lin Youhui were very compatible.

"I can understand how she feels, and she understands my feelings perfectly. Let's say we watch the same movie, and we'll watch the first five minutes or so and then turn to each other and say, "Turn it off," and laugh together. And then in aesthetics, or the feeling of people, our feelings are basically exactly the same. I feel like the two of us are one person, for example, if I am injured, she will be very painful, and if she is sick, if she is uncomfortable, my pain really makes me feel completely unbearable. ”

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Xiao Jingteng said and said, he felt ridiculous, how could there be such a partner in the world, the two of them were like they were born for each other.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Xiao Jingteng said the sweet details of the two getting along, "As long as we are together, we have to hold hands, there is no way to separate, even if we are only separated for a few hours, we will miss each other very much, if we really miss each other, we will send text messages hoping that the other party will come back soon." Don't say what others think, I think it's ridiculous, I think how can there be people like us in this world. Then we have to touch each other, we have to touch each other when we sleep, we have to feel each other's temperature......"

Lin Youhui added with a smile, "So I was squeezed into my sleep every day until I was about to fall." ”

Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui showed the camera their state of hugging and sleeping:

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick
Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

They love each other deeply, get along for many years, never try to clash head-on, don't quarrel, at most don't talk when they disagree.

Xiao Jingteng talked about how the two dealt with the conflict, "The most powerful thing about the two of us is that we both know where the other party's bottom line is, so if we really do something wrong, we will confess to each other, and the gentler way is to send a text message first, and then chat." ”

Lin Youhui said, "For example, if I know the work arrangement or something that has stepped on his line, I will tell him with my eyes, I know that you are unhappy now, and then I will slowly explain to him." Admit your mistakes when it's time to admit them, and both of us are people who will admit our mistakes and won't make excuses for ourselves. ”

Xiao Jingteng believes that it is normal to be unhappy, after all, everyone will have their own emotions and thoughts, but because all arrangements have their reasons and reasons, although it may not be the most comfortable, he and Lin Youhui are both wise people who can use wisdom to solve those discomforts.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

For the sake of Xiao Jingteng's career, Lin Youhui decided to deal with this "sister and brother love" in a low-key manner, so low-key that no one knew that they were in love, of course, family and friends and the media were speculating, but Xiao Jingteng never admitted it, nor did he try to hold hands and hug Lin Youhui publicly.

When deciding to get married, Xiao Jingteng first told his parents, and he sent a text message, "I want to tell you something, I'm sure you can guess it, but I never said it, I have been with Summer for several years, and I decided to marry her......" Then, Xiao Jingteng's parents replied with a "Very good...... Seeing the blessing of his parents, Xiao Jingteng cried.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick
Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick
Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Xiao Jingteng knew that his parents were against this relationship at the beginning, and for Lin Youhui, he had many disputes with his family, and even had fierce conflicts, and his parents once hated Lin Youhui very much.

Later, Xiao Jingteng's career got better and better, and his parents saw Lin Youhui's sincerity, and also witnessed Xiao Jingteng's dedication and seriousness to his feelings, and finally accepted Lin Youhui's existence.

Xiao Jingteng shed tears because he finally got the blessing of his parents, and at that moment, he felt very down-to-earth.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Lin Youhui said that Xiao Jingteng has proposed getting married several times in the past few years, but she has not agreed, on the one hand, because the work is really full, and on the other hand, she feels that there is no need to get married, so it is good to live like this.

But Xiao Jingteng didn't allow it, he said, "No, you must get married, I think this is a man's responsibility, and it is a very practical thing for girls." I can't let these things be a void, I can't let this matter be unknown, it's a very frightening thing for us, for the whole family, for the people around us, it's unreasonable. Actually, I didn't think I would get married, but I felt that I needed a family, I was a person who needed goals and responsibilities very much, that kind of person who you told me that I was a hero, that I was a hero, that I must be a hero, and my latest identity now is called a husband. ”

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Lin Youhui explained that Xiao Jingteng is the kind of person who relies on external evaluations, "The first public service advertisement 'quit ambassador' he entered the industry was his own initiative to ask for it, he said that he was afraid that he would start smoking again, so he simply became a quit ambassador, so that the whole society looked at him and urged him." ”

Xiao Jingteng added, "Yes, if you tell the world what I am, I will be that person." ”

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

Xiao Jingteng decided to get married and make himself a husband, just to let the whole society know that he already has his wife Lin Youhui, and after entering the track of life, he will not let himself have any chance to make mistakes.

Xiao Jingteng revealed that he loves his wife like his life: I have to hold her every day to sleep, and I can't stand the pain when she is sick

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