
I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

Right right fine hair and parents

2024-05-26 11:11Posted in Hunan Parenting Creators

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

"I really don't want to study on weekends!" The friend sighed.

I said, "I don't want to study every day, I'd rather work overtime than study." ”

I received an urgent manuscript on Saturday afternoon, and it was due on the same day. The contact asked me if I could pick it up.

At that moment, I had just brought my twins home, went out to play all morning, and two hours later I had to take my two children out for interest classes. Arriving home at 7pm.

I counted the time and said, "I'll take it, no problem." ”

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

Then in the afternoon, 2 hours was originally planned to let the child finish his homework and do the preview, so I herded the sheep for the child!

My husband was lying in bed and wanted to sleep for a while, so I said to him: "I took some urgent work, you keep an eye on the children, they are free to move, don't make too much trouble, don't worry about it." ”

The two children may have to play, and they will entertain themselves for 2 hours, and they will quarrel and fight without playing.

When the child is going to class and going out, I almost don't have a picture, so I asked my husband to send the child to class first, and I'll come later.

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

After handing over the manuscript, I rushed to the place where the children were in class, and it was not yet class time, so I gave them some water to drink, and I began to read books and watch TV series.

Although I seem to be busy, I feel so relaxed, and I would rather be like this than tutoring.

When the manuscript was delivered in the afternoon, the contact person said: "The brand praises you for your fast delivery, which is really good!" ”

I said shyly: "Didn't we talk about it in the study group a few days ago: put more attention to yourself, and it is much more pleasing to the eye to see the baby!" ”

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

Are you like me, preferring to do whatever you do, even work, rather than being too happy to do your homework with your children?

I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

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  • I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers
  • I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers
  • I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers
  • I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers
  • I'd rather work overtime on weekends than care about my children's studies, whether it's the same for mothers

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