
Housework age comparison table, parents are reluctant to use their children, is to harm him! (Worth reading)

Kids, do you need to do housework?

Some parents will think that housework is a matter for adults and that children do not need to be involved.

Actually, is this really the case?

From the perspective of developmental psychology, children's participation in housework helps them find confidence, develop relatively good behavior habits, and eventually become an independent person.

Let's take a look at what chores children can do at different ages.

Housework age comparison table, parents are reluctant to use their children, is to harm him! (Worth reading)

First, how to let children do housework spontaneously

First: Start with an individual's job

In family education, let the child start from the job and be a child involved in housework.

For example: put your clothes on and put them away; put your toys away; put dirty clothes in baskets. From some of the things within their reach, let them get used to housework.

Second: develop a work schedule

Housework, which may seem disorganized, can actually become organized.

In family life, parents may wish to design a work schedule, let the child participate in the discussion, see what he can do? What do you want to do? Thus guiding the child to participate.

Third: Participate from the game

Kids love to live at home.

Parents can set the scene of the game and let the child do what they can.

For example, let the child drive a cleaning cart, tidy up the toys, and then hand them over to the acquirer (i.e., the mother). Through play, children are interested in housework.

Fourth: Actively guide the child

Homeschooling is everywhere.

For example, when parents are ready to cook, they can let their children pick vegetables. And tell him what kind of steps are required to make a dish. In this way, children understand how to do housework.

Housework age comparison table, parents are reluctant to use their children, is to harm him! (Worth reading)

Second, guide children to do housework, parents need to pay attention to the matters

First: Choose age-appropriate chores

Different age stages. Children's cognition is different, physical strength and patience are different.

As a parent, you should make appropriate housework arrangements according to your child's situation. In this process, parents respect their children and should not exceed the scope, so as not to cause children to resist and fear due to setbacks.

Second: Parental involvement

The growth of children is inseparable from the role of role models.

Parents should be aware that they should encourage their children to do housework and participate in it themselves. On the one hand, it is to avoid the child's help and make a mess of the scene, on the other hand, it is also necessary to take into account the safety of the child.

Third: Be a little more patient

Be a patient parent.

When guiding children, parents should be gentle in tone, not to scold, patient, step-by-step, in a playful way and mentality to teach children to learn.

Fourth: Lead by example

Housework is the responsibility of every family member.

Parents should be clear about this and give their children an appropriate indoctrination. In particular, to avoid the child's misconception that "doing housework is a girl's business", we should let the child have a correct understanding that "home" belongs to everyone, so everything in the house, everyone has the obligation to do.

Fifth: Timely praise and encouragement

What should parents do when a child completes a task?

Parents should understand the role of praise and thank their children for everything they have done, such as saying: "Thank you for tidying up the table, the table is very tidy, now everyone can eat." No matter what your child does, let your child know that you have seen every "little thing" he does.

Housework age comparison table, parents are reluctant to use their children, is to harm him! (Worth reading)

Summary: It is a meaningful thing for children to do housework. As a parent, you must not only have such awareness, but also need to master reasonable methods, so that you can help your children grow through housework.

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