
What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

Between 30 and 40 per cent of all women would choose caesarean section.

When it comes to the mode of delivery, it is just a vaginal birth and a caesarean section, although the purpose of these two modes of production is the same, but the impact of the process on the child, and even on the mother is very large.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

Therefore, when waiting for delivery, the maternal doctor will most likely recommend that the mother have a normal birth. But if the situation is very serious and there is no way to have a vaginal birth, there is no better option but to have a caesarean section.

Caesarean section is not easy for Mom

Effects on the child's side: respiratory development is more delayed

Children who are born by the way will go through a process before they are officially born, that is, the squeeze of the mother's birth canal. After this squeeze, all the remaining amniotic fluid and air in the fetus's body can be discharged.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

In this way, it is very beneficial for the development of the fetal respiratory system. If it cannot be completely discharged in time, the residual liquid and air will interfere in the fetus, more or less limiting the development of the respiratory system.

Even if the child who is born by caesarean section is born, the nurse will help them excrete these dirty things, but the final result is still determined according to the method of each nurse.

Maternal effects: Knife edges affect aesthetics

Once the mother chose to have a caesarean section, for them, a knife in the stomach was inevitable, and even endured the pain of inserting needles and anesthetics in the spine. It's not much easier than opening the palace.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

But fortunately, the mother can choose the direction of the knife edge, that is, horizontal cutting and vertical cutting, if you have to make a choice between the two, or vertical cutting is better, because this will not delay the continuation of childbirth, for the uterus and the body damage, are also minimal.

But if you only want to have a child, and you are also very concerned about whether the knife edge is beautiful, then Bao Ma can choose the horizontal cutting without thinking, after all, the horizontal cutting edge is more in line with the skin texture, and it is easier to hide after suturing.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

If conditions permit, Presumably all mothers will not put their feelings first, and will go all out to choose a smooth delivery, after all, for children, this way of production is the best.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

But the mother who had to choose this way will be asked by the doctor the day before giving birth: Do you want a morning cut, or do you want to have a morning cut? When faced with this problem, many mothers will feel ambiguous, is there any difference between morning and afternoon?

Some mothers will even be associated with good birthdays and auspicious days, is it necessary to divinate before giving birth? In fact, choosing the right time is not because of feudal superstition!

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section?

More energy in the morning

As the saying goes: the time of day lies in the morning, after a night of sleep supplementation, whether it is the mother or the mother's family, even doctors and nurses will become full of energy, like chicken blood.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

In this case, too many doctors and nurses will become relatively soft, will not be because of the accumulated boredom of the day and ignore the patient, but also can make the mother feel a little comfort and warmth.

For the mother, although in the caesarean section process, there is no need to exert force on herself, nor do she need to make too many cooperative behaviors, but the physical state has a great impact on the smoothness of the operation.

If the muscles of the whole body are very tense and the emotions are very sensitive, it is reasonable to have some unexpected situations during the operation. Therefore, once the mother is sure that she is going to have surgery in the morning, she must relax her mind the day before, and if she loses sleep because of it, it will be counterproductive.

Morning cut without too much trouble

Because caesarean section requires anesthesia, women need to eat and drink water within eight hours before the operation to avoid suffocation due to food left in the stomach. And eight hours are left for the body to digest food.

In this way, if you choose a mother who has a caesarean section in the morning, you don't have to spend extra energy to fast and water, just control the time of dinner the day before.

What is the difference between a morning caesarean section and an afternoon caesarean section during a caesarean section? Pregnant women with needs should be informed in advance

But if you choose to have a caesarean section in the afternoon, the time of fasting and water fasting will have to be recalculated, saying that it is not good for the mother, not only hungry for one night, but also hungry for a day!

Today's summary:

If you had already decided you were going to have a caesarean section, would you choose to have a caesarean section in the morning? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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