
Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

Wen | Mo'er's mother (Rich Book author)

Evolutionary mother: Every child is an angel who has fallen into the mortal world, and the "meticulous" companionship of parents makes the child like a tiger and spreads its wings and flies high.

A while ago, Gu Ailing's mother accompanied Gu Ailing on a run and was on Weibo's hot search.

On the streets of Beijing, some netizens met Gu Ailing's mother riding a bicycle and accompanied her daughter to a 21-kilometer half-horse training.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

In the video, Mother Gu rides a shared bicycle, and in order to catch up with Gu Ailing, Mother Gu speeds up the ride.

Netizens were touched by Gu's mother's "attentive" companionship and praised:

"Gu Ailing's mother is the ceiling of accompanying education!"

"I'm very envious of this way of companionship!"

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

I have seen a saying: companionship is very warm, it means that in this world, someone is willing to give you the most beautiful thing, that is, time.

Gu's mother sacrificed her time, paid energy and physical strength, and rode to accompany her daughter, which made me see the intentions and care of parents and treating children.

Accompanying children to grow up is a warm journey, how parents accompany, determine the child's life background, whether it is bright or dark.

The "meticulous" companionship of parents can make children like tigers and spread their wings and fly high.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents
Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

With the "rhythmic" company of parents, children can fly higher

I once saw such a sentence: accompanying children needs a kind of cotton strength, to adapt to the child's feelings and rhythms.

I once saw a story online.

There is a father who accompanies his daughter's daily life and has become a tab for parents all over the world.

When his daughter was four or five years old, he learned to swim, and he personally became a coach, acting as his daughter's bodyguard, and cultivating his daughter who was afraid of water into a swimmer.

Usually too busy at work, he chose to accompany his daughter on the weekend and wander in a happy world with his children.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

Before the daughter was 10 years old, she accompanied her daughter to read 7 Harry Potter books, enjoyed the most intimate parent-child reading time, and developed good reading habits for her daughter.

As her daughter grew up, she had dinner with her every night, and became her daughter's most loyal "listener" and listened to her children's voices.

Before his daughter went to college, he accompanied her to visit 6 different universities.

This father, he did not accompany his daughter all the time, but he would accompany her "rhythmically" at different times, he taught her to swim, cultivated her good habit of reading, and listened to her voice.

Eventually, her daughter was admitted to Harvard University as she wished.

The father who accompanied the growth of the "school bully" is former US President Barack Obama.

Obama once said, "I'm not going to be president for the rest of my life, but I'm going to be a father all my life." ”

The companionship of parents is the most powerful weapon for educating children, and it is also the latest road to witness the miracle of children's growth.

Experts say that 0-18 years old is the golden period for parents to accompany their children, and missing this stage cannot be compensated by paying more energy.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

The "rhythmic" companionship of parents is to plant the seeds of self-confidence and safety for their children's future.

Just like Obama's company, his daughter, like him, exudes confidence and determination from the inside out, and whenever she appears, she is always full of spring breeze and passion.

As a parent, accompany the child to grasp the scale, do not do "helicopter" monitoring of children, leaving room for children to grow.

In this way, under the "rhythmic" company of parents, children can fly higher and higher.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

The companionship of parents "360 degrees without dead ends" restricts the growth of children

Ira, the single mother in the Indian movie "Helicopter Ira", is a 360-degree mother who accompanies her child without dead angles.

After the father ran away from home, the mother and son relied on each other for their lives.

In order to accompany her son, the mother gave up her favorite music career and always accompanied her son.

Even if the son organizes a trip at school, the mother has to follow, and after being rejected, the mother obstructs it in every way.

After the interference was fruitless, the mother told her to lie on the window before the child got into the car, and shouted no one next to her: Go to the toilet at night, you must be accompanied!

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

When he grew up, in order to escape his mother's company all the time, his son encouraged his mother to go to college, but his mother chose to go to school with him.

Mom was like a shadow, like a shadow, unable to break free.

The son desperately fled, and the mother desperately chased.

The son joined the drama club and did not want his mother to participate, but the teacher wanted to keep it, and the mother, who had musical talent, chose to expel her son.

The teacher's decision escalated the contradiction between mother and child to the extreme.

The son spilled all his resentment on his mother and angrily said that it was all his mother's harm!

Under the supervision of his mother, his son could not eat by himself at the age of 5, did not dare to sleep alone at the age of 7, and did not dare to go to the toilet at night at the age of 8...

When you grow up, you can't deal with any contradictions in your life, and when you encounter problems, you will only escape and complain.

I have seen such a saying: most children are orphans with parents, and although they have their parents by their side, they do not have the power to transmit inner psychological support.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

In life, most parents accompany their children all day long, restricting their children's growth, and children do not get the strength to grow independently.

As parents, we do not need to be with our children 24 hours a day, we must give them freedom and space, so that they have the ability to decide right and wrong alone, and have strong "wings" to fly alone.

The airtight companionship of parents makes children lose the space for free growth, which is a deprivation of children's autonomy in life.

Only by fully respecting the child's feelings and maintaining a certain sense of boundaries can we maintain a good parent-child relationship and give the child a more stable and long-term companionship.

The "360" companionship of parents without dead ends is a kind of "bundled" education for children, imprisoning children's hearts, cutting off the link between children and the world, and restricting children's growth.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

The efficient companionship of parents is the catalyst for children's struggle

I once saw the story of a twin from Hunan, a cold door.

Twin brothers Zhao Li and Zhao Di were born in Cili County, Hunan Province, to a mountain village family.

When I first started high school, I couldn't finish my homework every day, and the brothers once felt a lot of pressure and told their father in a phone call with their father.

Since then, my father has had a fixed action: every weekend, he takes a shuttle bus from the countryside to the county seat.

Sit down with your two children, talk about your heart, talk, enlighten and encourage them.

The child failed the test, sad and crying, the father told the child that the progress or decline of grades is not important, and finding the crux of the problem is the key.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

In his own unique way, his father silently accompanied them.

Such a "weekly appointment", the father insisted on three years.

One weekend, the snow closed the mountain, the father could not rush to the county town as scheduled to accompany the children, specially called the teacher to understand the child's learning status, until the teacher took a video, saw that the two children were in good condition, the father was relieved.

The father's "efficient" companionship brought zhao barley and Zhao Di the motivation to learn, doubling down on the children's self-motivated hearts.

The brothers always remembered their father's words: Children in the mountains, only hard work can have a way out.

Accompanied by their father, in the 2020 college entrance examination, the brothers were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University with high scores of 687 and 685 respectively.

"My father's company has been our biggest motivation in the past three years."

The words of the children are the highest reward for the company of their fathers.

Special teacher Li Zhenxi said: "School education is very important, but no matter how important, it is only an important supplement to family education. ”

Accompanying a child does not require being with the child at all times.

Companionship, unlimited time, unlimited form, as long as it is produced with children, high-quality interaction, there will be something to double the effect of half the work.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

The efficient companionship of parents, like feeding their children, is a catalyst for children's struggle.

When the child falls to the bottom, parents should go into the child's heart, see the child's needs, and lift it in time;

When children make progress, they must cheer up and encourage children to break through themselves, so that they can go further and more stable in the future.

Behind the excellence of children, there is a "careful" company of parents

Write at the end

I once saw a sentence: every child has excellent potential, and the daily companionship of parents gives children a different life.

Companionship, not companionship, is to see the child's heart, to listen to the joys and sorrows, sorrows, sorrows and sorrows in the child's world.

Go deep into the child's heart, accompany the child's growth with your heart, and establish a long-term intimacy with the child, so that the child is willing to open his heart to you.

As a parent, only by reading the child's true will can we give effective psychological counseling when the child encounters difficulties.

And all this comes from the "careful" company of parents.

Every child is an angel who has fallen into the mortal world, and the "meticulous" companionship of parents makes the child like a tiger and spreads its wings and flies high.

As a parent, no matter how busy you are, you must also take time to accompany your children.

Author's profile: Mo'er's mother, and 5 million people to upgrade life cognition, this article source: Parents Evolution, the copyright of this article belongs to Fushu, unauthorized, may not be reproduced, infringement must be investigated

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