
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

As we all know, the new energy market is the hot subdivision camp of today's automotive industry, and the new power brands that cannot be counted on two hands have now become the preferred target of many young consumers with the heat of the new energy market. In fact, earlier, most automakers have also issued plans to stop production and stop selling fuel models, and even some countries and regions have announced that they will gradually eliminate the fuel model from the market in the next few years. However, according to the original plan, this implementation time is 2-3 years away from our current point of view, and it is not a global suspension of fuel vehicles.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

So in the past two years, although the new energy market has developed rapidly, the momentum has completely overshadowed the fuel model, but in the end there is still no specific implementation, like Japan, Germany, these more important markets, the planned time is after 2030, then many consumers have a kind of internal combustion engine era will not end the illusion. However, friends who pay more attention to the news of the automobile market may also find that many leading car manufacturers such as Nissan, Audi, hyundai and so on have stopped the research and development of internal combustion engines, so they can buy fuel models in the future, and there will be no major progress in technology.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

On the evening of April 3, BYD officially announced that due to the company's strategic development needs, BYD Automobile will stop the production of fuel vehicles from March 2022. In the future, in the automotive sector, BYD Automobile will devote more energy to the pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle business, and will continue to provide perfect service and after-sales guarantee for existing fuel vehicle customers, as well as the supply of spare parts throughout the life cycle to ensure worry-free travel. It is worth mentioning that according to our review of BYD's sales data in March, the fuel vehicle segment is 0.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

This shows that BYD has indeed stopped selling fuel models in March, and it is not unexpected to be officially announced today, consumers have a period of time to prepare or accept, while the official gives a guarantee of after-sales service, and existing fuel car customers do not need to worry about follow-up car problems. For consumers who pay attention to the BYD brand, there was information about BYD's decision to stop selling fuel models in June last year, but ATD did not completely gain a foothold in the new energy market at that time, especially the production capacity of DM-i series models was difficult to increase.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

By the second half of 2021, BYD's sales in the new energy market have steadily increased, and the product lineup has begun to gradually expand, from the first BYD Qin PLUS DM-i, Song PLUS DM-i and Tang DM-i models, to the Han DM-i and DM-p versions, BYD can be said to have a wait-and-see attitude from the beginning consumers are worried about sales, to now the market is in short supply, resulting in a delay in the booking cycle. At the same time, the number of fuel models on sale by BYD has gradually decreased, and veterans like BYD F3 who have been fighting in the family car market for many years, the price is difficult to turn over the waves, and it is better to stop production early and fall into a "glorious retirement" ending.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

In addition to increasing the production capacity of new energy models, BYD's suspension of fuel models is naturally indispensable to the consideration of the future development of the automobile market, environmental protection is the top priority at present, and it is a global consensus to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. As the leader of the new energy vehicle market, BYD's national "double carbon" strategic goal is naturally the first to bear the brunt, and the vigorous development of new energy models in the past two years is a good proof. The purpose is to better lead the transformation of the automotive industry, for example, the Great Wall Weipai has also begun to launch similar hybrid system models.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

As for the concerns of some netizens, whether BYD will lose the market and say goodbye to fuel models completely, whether it is too sloppy, I think march sales are a good answer. The official data released is that the sales of the entire series 104338 vehicles, while the sales of DM models are 50674 units, the sales of EV models are 53664 units, up 160.9% year-on-year, and the cumulative sales of new energy passenger cars are currently more than 1.79 million. Each set of data shows that BYD is worthy of being a leader in the new energy market, whether in the field of plug-in hybrid or pure electricity, far exceeding the well-known joint venture brands such as Volkswagen, Toyota or Honda.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

And according to the existing trend of development, BYD's new energy models will only be more recognized by the market, such as pure electric vehicle models are more suitable for southern users, they do not worry about low winter temperatures and lead to too much endurance reduction, while the southern city development is better, about charging piles and other supporting facilities are more complete, both eliminating the existence of fuel models, but also reducing the cost of the car. The DM series models are suitable for relatively northern users, like the BYD Han DM-i version of the high-end, pure electric endurance up to 242km, while there are 1.5T engines to meet the needs of feeding or long-distance commuting, even the ordinary version also has 121km pure electric endurance. If the daily use is only used for commuting, it can be recharged once every three days, and the convenience is equally excellent.

Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022
Goodbye, fuel car! BYD officially announced that it will stop production from March 2022

Summary: According to the environment of the entire automobile market, new energy models only occupy about 15% of the share, the best transition product at this stage is plug-in hybrid, one is not worried about long-distance battery life, and the other can enjoy the green card policy and low fuel consumption. BYD has always adhered to the independent research and development of core technologies in the whole industry chain of new energy, mastered core technologies such as DM-i super hybrid, blade battery, e platform 3.0, and strongly empowered products, and it is not difficult for it to occupy half of the new energy market in the future.

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