
Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

The Augmentation of the Sages says:

"One day mr. and mrs.,Hyakusei marriage,100 generations Shuku dobune,Sensei Shuku co-pillow sleep.""

It is not easy for two people to come together, and it is not easy to walk hand in hand and not give up. Too often, after a lifetime of saying good things together, halfway through the road, they parted ways and went their separate ways.

In fact, there are many reasons for the difference between one and two wide, but the most undesirable one is that the other party has the wrong feelings, but you have been in the dark, and you have not felt any wind and grass.

His heart is still looking forward to the future, yearning for the beautiful prospects of the two people. However, at this time, the other party has a heart, and has long put his focus on others, but he knows nothing, and even the slightest sense of crisis is not aware.

Wait until the moment when the other party proposes to break up, you are momentarily stunned, thinking that all this is unexpected, in fact, it has begun for a long time.

If you had found out earlier, there might have been a possibility of solving the problem before it was too late, and you could turn the other two people around again. If the longer it takes, the more you only find out until the end, maybe it will be too late.

This time, from the perspective of a woman, men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one is aware of it, but they are exposed in four ways.

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

1 Deliberately pull away and refuse to have intimate behavior

Xiaomei (not her real name) is one of my readers who asks me about my troubles.

It turned out that her husband had proposed a divorce to her, but she did not notice it beforehand, and the blow suddenly caught her off guard.

She and her husband have been married for many years, the relationship has been very good, and the two people have also gone through the trough together, she thinks that the feelings of the two people are relatively deep, but one day suddenly received a call from a strange woman, directly told her: she is pregnant, I hope she marries her husband.

She thought it was someone's prank and didn't care at first, but when the other person came to the door, everything understood.

However, it was too late.

I asked her if it had been a long time since the other person had distanced herself from you, and there had been no intimate behavior for a long time, and the two people had gotten along like the most familiar strangers.

She listened, recalled a sudden realization, she said that indeed she and her husband have not had a good chat for a long time, there is no sweet behavior of small couples, she at first thought that it was a normal performance for two people to be married for a long time, plus she was usually busy doing business, and did not take care of too much, now it seems that her husband has other people in his heart, not "not showing the mountains and not dewing", but there are early signs.

In fact, men's energy is limited, it is impossible to swim between too many opposite sexes, if once he has other people in his heart, then he will very naturally have a relationship with you slowly fade, and even resist the behavior of being close to you, in addition to having more than enough heart and insufficient strength, more is that there is no you in the heart, there is only another her.

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

2The number of times I go home is getting less and less time, and the time outside is increasing

Normally, it is normal for men not to come home frequently because of work or other things, but there is one exception.

That is, I usually go home on time, but recently I always like to stay outside, and pay more attention to my personal image, if this is the case, it is most likely that there are other people outside.

Psychologically speaking, when a man has each other in his heart, he likes to be with her. Then, naturally, he will stay at home for less and less time, leaving you with excuses that you are either busy at work, or other socializing that cannot be pushed away, and even when it is time for holiday breaks, he will stay outside.

In fact, the time outside is more and more, and he likes to get along with each other all the time; the number of times he goes home is less and less because he has begun to dislike the current environment, but he is afraid of being discovered, and he will find one excuse after another as a cover.

Normally, no matter how busy a man is outside, he will think about his family, because this is his warm harbor, a place where he can unload his tiredness, and the place where he wants to come back most.

However, once his center of gravity has shifted, he will only want to stay outside and not want to return home.

Even after coming back, seeing their own women is not as fond of as they once were, always looking at anything with resentment.

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

3 Start looking at you unpleasantly and thinking you are useless

When two people are in love, he sees that you are all good and will like it no matter what you do.

However, if after two people are together, he suddenly starts to look at you one day unpleasantly, picks you everywhere, will not be satisfied with whatever you do, and thinks that you are useless, maybe he has someone else outside.

He sees that others are all advantages, sees that you are all shortcomings, feels that you are inferior to others through comparison, and invisibly doubles your shortcomings, naturally revealing disgust and disgust everywhere.

If at this time, you think that you have no bottom line to please, you can exchange his renewed care or like, in fact, it is a big mistake.

Because all this is not at all what you did wrong, but he is dissatisfied with you, no matter what you do for him, in the end it can only be "bamboo basket to hit the water empty." ”

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter such a situation, don't blame the mistake on yourself, but look at each other's relationship from another perspective and see how he treats other people.

If treating everyone as a state is at best a bad mood and mood lately; but if it is only a sudden dislike and criticism of you, then you really have to be careful about each other's emotional problems.

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

4 Periods of frequent concern for you make you feel very flattered

When two people have just met, men frequently take the initiative to care, in fact, the signal revealed is: like you.

However, if two people have been together for many years or are too familiar with each other, the relationship has entered a very stable stage. The passion for each other has receded, and there is not much sweet talk to talk about, when the man suddenly cares about you frequently for a period of time, making you feel suddenly a little uncomfortable, don't feel that it is a sign of favor, or it may be a kind of compensation for his guilt.

After all, two people have gone through ups and downs, been together for so long, and when men like other people, now face you more guilty.

Therefore, in order to make up for the inner uneasiness, we began to double our concern for you, buy women the gifts they want or help her do a lot of things, or diligently boo and ask for warmth, if there is no clear thing in the mouth, then it must be to use this way to "atone", hoping that women will not find out at the same time, they can get a short period of "peace of mind".

In fact, the more this is done, the greater the harm will be.

Men are caught up in extramarital feelings, thinking that no one notices, but they are exposed in four ways

After all, concealment and deception will make the other party mistakenly think that it is a manifestation of true love, but in fact, it has nothing to do with love, but the beginning of non-love.

When you encounter the abnormal performance of these men, you should analyze it specifically from the specific problem to see if his behavior is in line with the above performances, if there is one or two, then it is doomed to be a crack in the feelings.

If so, then it is really necessary to plan early, which is the wisest choice.


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