
Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

The mother-in-law brought up her own children and even helped bring up other grandchildren, but when it came time to bring your children, something "magical" happened.

The mother-in-law's concept of parenting is outdated, but also particularly "stubborn", always think it is right, with a sentence: "I brought up a few children, can not bring your children?" "You're dumbfounded.

Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

Below, we take stock of some of the "traditional and old" parenting methods that are easy for mothers-in-law to make when nursing newborns, which are outdated and unscientific, and doing it according to the requirements of mother-in-law is not only not conducive to the healthy growth of newborns, but also counterproductive.

Therefore, new mothers must understand and learn parenting knowledge in advance to avoid falling into "parenting misunderstandings".

Myth 1: Drink more water to eliminate yellow pox

Neonatal jaundice refers to a condition characterized by yellow staining of the skin, mucosa and sclera during the neonatal period due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism, which causes an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood.

Most babies will have jaundice of different severities after birth, which is very common in the clinic, but those who do grandma still hope that the yellow pox will subside quickly.

Some grandmothers will try to use some folk remedies, such as feeding glucose water, boiled water, etc., saying that they can help newborns get rid of yellow pox, but in fact, these practices are wrong and cannot help yellowing.

Feeding the newborn grape water, in addition to increasing the burden on the baby's pancreas, damages the health of the body, but also changes the baby's taste, so that the baby does not like to drink boiled water or eat breast milk.

Generally speaking, babies under 6 months do not need to be fed water, because there is enough water, feeding too much boiled water will increase the baby's kidney function; in addition, the baby's stomach capacity is limited, drinking boiled water can not eat more milk, which will also affect the development of the body.

△ Correct methods to eliminate yellow pox:

1. Feed newborns as early as possible

Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

New mothers can start breastfeeding newborns 2 hours after childbirth, on the one hand, it is conducive to breast milk secretion; on the other hand, early feeding is conducive to the early discharge of fetal stool, the fetal stool contains a lot of bilirubin, if the fetal stool is not clean, bilioflavin will be reabsorbed through the blood, so that yellow pox increases.

2. Get more sun

Blue and green light in the sun can alleviate your baby's jaundice, which is the most common and convenient treatment.

However, the newborn baby is more delicate, and must be protected when basking in the sun, such as protecting the eyes and genitals of the baby and avoiding direct sunlight; every time the sun is basking, it is also necessary to change the position, and eat milk after the sun, which is conducive to bilirubin discharge.

Myth 2: Turn on the lights to sleep

Many mothers-in-law and mothers are accustomed to turning on the lights when they sleep at night, on the one hand, they think it is convenient to take care of the baby, on the other hand, to make the baby feel safe.

In fact, such a practice is also wrong, affecting the baby's sleep quality and vision development, in addition to being easily awakened, long-term sleep under the light, will also affect the eye's mesh activation system, in addition to not conducive to cultivating the baby's good sleep habits, light pressure for a long time, will make the baby nervous and anxious.

△Correct method:

Every night before going to bed, dim the bedroom light to create a sleeping atmosphere for the baby; when the baby falls asleep, immediately turn off the lights, so that the baby does not develop the bad habit of reversing day and night; get up at night to feed the baby and change the diaper, do not turn on the headlights, you can use a convenient moving lamp.

Myth 3: Pack "candle pack"

Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

Newborns have "W" shapes on the upper limbs and "M" shapes on the lower limbs, a natural position suitable for the newborn's activities and normal development.

And now some grandmothers still like to use the traditional mainland method of wrapping newborns is "candle pack", which straightens the baby's limbs and lower limbs, and wraps them tightly with a bag, in a forced "1" shape.

Thinking that this is not only conducive to the establishment of baby warmth and security, but also can prevent looping legs, etc., which can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

In fact, the practice of tying the baby's hands and feet together is wrong, which is not only not conducive to the baby's limb movement and breathing, but also not conducive to the development of muscles and nerves, and may even cause dislocation of the hip joint.

There are also newborn fingers can not touch the surrounding objects after being bound, which is not conducive to the development of touch, so it is not recommended to use candle packs.

△ Correct approach:

1. Use a newborn sleeping bag

If you are worried that the newborn will break the quilt and get cold when he sleeps.

Advocate the use of baby sleeping bags instead of packages, which can keep warm without affecting the baby's limb movements, and has the advantages of relaxation and comfort.

Myth 4: Abuse of tasty powder

Many grandmothers think that talcum powder not only tastes fragrant, but also affordable, the most important thing is that there are many uses.

Every time the baby uses some talk powder on the body after bathing, it can make the body smooth and refreshing, very comfortable, especially in the hot summer, which can inhibit sweating.

In addition, after each bowel movement, the baby uses some talk powder, which can play a dry lubrication and prevent "red butt".

However, if it is used for a long time, it is more harmful to the health of infants and young children.

Because talc contains a certain amount of talcum powder, when giving the baby talc powder, the powder floats in the air. If you inhale too much talc, it will destroy the function of the tracheal cilia and cause coughing in severe cases.

In addition, talc is also easy to enter the vagina of baby girls, causing infection.

△ Correct approach

1. Use with caution

If you must use tajin powder, you must be cautious about using it, do not let the powder fly around, especially pay attention to the place where there is no longer wind to give baby puffing powder, and immediately after use, the talk powder should be packed up and properly stored.

2. Use buttock cream

The main ingredient of buttock cream is glycerin, which can effectively protect the baby's small ass, and has a certain effect on preventing red buttocks and diaper rash.

In addition, the buttock cream also contains zinc oxide, which can protect the delicate skin of the baby's ass and reduce the chance of the baby's ass being infected by bacteria.

Myth 5: Newborns shave their heads on a full moon

Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

Many grandmothers think that the full moon of the newborn should shave the head of the full moon, and use the razor to shave the fetal hair on the newborn's head, thinking that this can increase and darken the hair later.

Facts have proved that this practice is not scientifically based, the amount of hair, on the one hand, comes from the inheritance of parents; on the other hand, it must be nutritionally balanced, and the growth of hair is inseparable from the support of protein, B vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Therefore, it is impossible to shave the full moon head of a newborn to change the amount of hair to make it thick, dense, and black.

In addition, the scalp of newborns is quite delicate, the resistance is low, shaved with an unsterilized razor, easy to scratch the scalp, causing infection and suppuration, leading to other diseases.

△ Correct practice

Shaving the full moon head of newborns under the full moon is not recommended. If the hair grows long, cut it short with clean scissors or a fader.

Myth #6: Hold more babies

Some grandmothers love to see the baby, often hold the child, and the baby will not put it down when it is asleep. As everyone knows, holding more children is very harmful to the normal development of children.

Generally speaking, newborns sleep for 20 to 22 hours a day, and multiple hugs will affect the baby's sleep time and sleep quality.

Babies can't talk, they express their needs by crying, and feeding and hugging when they cry will develop bad habits. Moreover, baby crying is a kind of whole-body exercise, which can improve cardiopulmonary function, accelerate blood circulation throughout the body, increase the metabolic activity of various organs, and promote the normal development of children.

It must be understood that if you cry for too long, you should carefully find out the cause and give it a caress. Due to long-term crying, abdominal pressure is too high, prone to inguinal oblique hernia.

△ Written at the end

Elderly care newborn bad habits inventory, avoid these 6 misunderstandings, everyone rest assured!

Generational parenting has always been controversial, but when the elderly have to take children for various reasons, one thing is to understand that parents are the leading parenting, and the elderly play an auxiliary role. And parents may have more information resources than grandparents when it comes to scientific parenting.

When there is a disagreement with the stereotypes and bad habits of the elderly, we must adhere to scientific parenting and resolutely do not believe these parenting rumors in order to keep our dear babies away from harm.

Of course, mom and dad communicate with their grandparents to reach a consensus. Only when the two generations have a unified understanding, clear goals, and the same pace, will the education of the baby be successful.

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