
Three methods of feeding for newborns

1. Gastric volume:

Three methods of feeding for newborns

2. Feeding times:

Three methods of feeding for newborns

(The above is for reference only, the actual need to be based on the baby's situation - on-demand feeding)

Note: 1. Avoid overfeeding, follow the principle of eating less and eating more meals,

2. The newborn's weight may temporarily decrease in the first few days of birth, because the baby's stomach capacity is smaller, eating less and pulling more; with the increase of subsequent feeding and the development of the baby's body organs, it will return to the postnatal weight after a week.

Three methods of feeding for newborns

3. Feeding posture:

Side recumbent: 1. The mother lies on her side, the lower arm is raised with a pillow, and the other hand gently caresses the baby's head or buttocks.

2. The baby leans across the mother's abdomen, keeping the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples at the same level as you.

Suitable for: Mothers who have difficulty giving birth early, by caesarean section or during childbirth

Three methods of feeding for newborns

Cradle type: 1. The baby's head rests on the mother's arm and elbow socket, and the forearm supports the baby's hip.

2. The other hand cooperates with the baby

Suitable for: Natural term babies.

Three methods of feeding for newborns

Upright: 1. The baby sits upright on the mother's lap

2. The mother supports the baby with her same arm and the other hand supports the breast.

Suitable for: Slightly older babies.

Three methods of feeding for newborns

Note: 1. Note that the baby sucks on the breast rather than the nipple, allowing him to hold as much of the areola as possible

2. Bottle feeding: Hold the baby naturally in your arms at 45 degrees, and keep the baby's face and the direction of the bottle at a 90-degree angle as much as possible.

Three methods of feeding for newborns

Neonatal bowel movements:

1. Newborns take more or fewer shots a day is a normal phenomenon, and it is necessary to observe the baby's mental state first.

2. Exclusively breastfed babies have thick stools, golden yellow or pale green

Formula-fed baby stools are thick and pale yellow or brownish

3. After 3 days of birth, the newborn swallows amniotic fluid, so the dark green creamy fetal stool is excreted, and then it will be slowly excreted with breast milk intake.

The first four days of poop are about 1-4 times a day, and after 5-7 days, they basically last 3-6 times a day, and the stool will slowly enter the normal stage of golden yellow.

Three methods of feeding for newborns

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