
The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

As the saying goes, "spring sleepiness, autumn lack of summer nap", when the seasons change, the human body's desire for sleep will be greater. Sleep is especially important for children, and today I share with you the most scientific sleep schedule for children.

Your child's sleep schedule

For children with different physical development conditions, the amount of sleep required is also different:

Studies have shown that 70% of a child's height depends on the parent's genes and 30% depends on the day after tomorrow.

Of these 30% external factors, sleep ranks first in terms of its impact on height, surpassing exercise and diet because of the secretion of growth hormone during sleep.

The following is the standard of sleep duration recommended by experts, only when it meets the standard, children are more likely to grow tall. The reason why the child sleeps enough is also to let the child secrete more growth hormone in sleep.

The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

There are two time periods, the secretion of growth hormone is the most vigorous, namely 21:00-1:00, 5:00-7:00, missing these two time periods, is equivalent to missing the golden period of the child's growth.

It is worth noting that the premise of the large secretion of growth hormone is that the child must be in a state of deep sleep. Otherwise, the amount of growth hormone secreted will be greatly reduced, which in turn will affect the child's height development.

People generally fall asleep for half an hour to 1 hour before entering a state of deep sleep.

Therefore, it is recommended that children should lie in bed at 8:30 pm and get up after 7 o'clock the next day, so as not to miss the peak period of growth hormone secretion.

In addition, children of different ages also have their own correct sleep schedules, which is the advice of Harriet Hiscock, a child sleep expert from the Australian Children's Research Institute, on the time for children of all ages to fall asleep:

The sleep standard of 7:30 or 8:30 pm is difficult for most of our families to do in most cases, so try to do it at 9 pm. After all, it is conducive to the child's physical development and brain growth, and it is not to be underestimated!

The impact of lack of sleep on children

Affects height

We all know that spring is the "golden period" for children to grow tall, and in the three months from March to May, the height growth value is equivalent to 2 to 2.5 times the height growth value in the three months from September to November in the autumn.

This is because in the spring, children sleep longer and the secretion of growth hormone is more vigorous.

The amount of growth hormone secreted is the key to determining whether a child can grow taller. After 12 p.m., there is a peak in growth hormone secretion that children in a light sleep state do not easily reach.

Therefore, it is best for children to fall asleep before 10 p.m. to reach a deep sleep state as soon as possible.

Remember: the premise of massive secretion of growth hormone is carried out under deep sleep.

The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

Hurts the heart

When the climate changes, many parents find that their children's sleep is somewhat abnormal, they can't sleep steadily at night, they can't wake up in the morning, they can't wake up during the day, and some children will also have a lack of appetite and irritability, which really bothers parents.

The reason why children are irritable and irritable is completely a manifestation of lack of sleep. And the more sleep deprived they are, the more excited their emotions become, and as soon as they are excited, their heartbeat will accelerate.

If you are in a state of hyperactivity for a long time, it is inevitable that some heart diseases will occur.

If you let the child sleep late from an early age, you may not be able to see anything when you are young, and when you are older, when various hidden diseases begin to break out, cardiovascular disease may be found.

Easy to get sick

If the child sleeps late for a long time, the body will not be able to rest, and will not be able to produce immune factors that can resist the disease, thus giving viruses and bacteria the opportunity to invade.

Therefore, letting the child go to sleep early can help the child's body to rest, the organ to be repaired, and the immunity to be improved, thereby reducing the possibility of colds and infectious diseases.

Keep in mind your child's sleep principles

Don't wait until you're tired to sleep

Many parents think that their children are tired of playing, and they will naturally obediently go to sleep, and they will save the difficult sleep link.

In fact, letting children play tired and then sleep is very detrimental to their health.

Sometimes children play too excited, sleep quality will decline, even if into the sleep state, but mental activity is still continuing, sleep will also appear teeth, kicking the quilt, bedwetting and other phenomena, thereby affecting the child's brain and body development, serious will also cause chaos in sleep time.

Don't let your child stay up late with you

Some parents, who go to bed late at night, urge their children to go to bed early all day, so it is no wonder that the children can't sleep at all.

If you want your child to go to bed early, it is best for parents to put down the things in their hands and tell their children a goodnight story when it is time to sleep, so that their children can sleep with peace of mind.

If the parents still have things in their hands, then please bear with it, and when the child is asleep, it is not too late for you to get up and work again.

Provide your child with some food to help you sleep

This is a dry piece of goods, keep in mind the following kinds of sleep aids:



The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

Its composition contains two hypnotic substances, one is tryptophan, and the other is a peptide that regulates physiological functions, which can make people feel comfortable and conducive to relieving fatigue and falling asleep.



The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

Nutrition has also been shown to improve sleep quality, and children can eat it before going to bed with black sesame seeds and mash it into a paste.



The latest sleep schedule is out: when to sleep, how long to sleep, children will be smarter!

Placing a peeled or cut citrus on a bedside table and inhaling its aromatic scent can calm the central nervous system and help you fall asleep.

Everyone has had the experience of getting a sweet, sweet and comfortable sleep, feeling refreshed, feeling refreshed, and even full of energy throughout the day.

Although children can't accurately express their feelings, they actually need quality sleep more than adults. Therefore, we must not neglect the special care for the baby's sleep.

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