
Groggy all day, what to do? Reminder: Do these things well to help you get rid of spring sleepiness

After entering the spring, the temperature gradually warms up, and there is more rain, and the climate is relatively humid.

At this time, many people will experience drowsiness during the day and extreme physical fatigue, which is called spring sleepiness.

Once the phenomenon of spring sleepiness occurs, it will have a certain impact on their own life and work.

In addition, if this symptom persists for a long time, it will also affect their own health.

So when the phenomenon of spring sleepiness occurs, what should be done to get rid of spring sleepiness?

Groggy all day, what to do? Reminder: Do these things well to help you get rid of spring sleepiness

How to relieve spring sleepiness

First, regulate sleep

After entering the spring, it is important to ensure that you get enough sleep every day. If you don't get enough sleep every night, it's easy to have symptoms of spring sleepiness.

Be sure to fall asleep before eleven o'clock every night, get up around six or seven o'clock in the morning, and ensure seven or eight hours of sleep every day.

During this period of time, after the human body enters a deep sleep, the various organs in the body will repair and detoxify themselves, which can improve immune function and repair some damaged cells.

If you do not go to sleep at this time, it will affect the self-repair of these organs. Not only will it lead to a decrease in immunity, but it will also cause obvious spring sleepiness due to lack of sleep.

Groggy all day, what to do? Reminder: Do these things well to help you get rid of spring sleepiness

Second, scientific and reasonable diet

After entering the spring, we must pay attention to the conditioning of the diet, and minimize the intake of all high-calorie foods, such as some high fat, high cholesterol, high sugar, etc.

Once these foods are consumed too much into the body, they will lead to increased blood viscosity, which will affect the overall blood circulation. Then, it is easy to make people tired and tired and sleepy.

Three meals a day should also be appropriately added to some foods rich in high-quality protein, such as chicken, milk, fish, and some low-fat dairy products.

The high-quality protein contained in these foods is easily absorbed by the human body, which plays a very important role in supplementing the nutrients needed by the human body, as well as improving people's energy and replenishing physical strength.

Groggy all day, what to do? Reminder: Do these things well to help you get rid of spring sleepiness

In addition, some vegetables and fruits rich in potassium should also be appropriately supplemented. If there is a lack of potassium in the body, it will cause people to be tired and weak, and it will also affect people's energy.

In addition, you should also eat more vitamin-rich foods, such as spinach, leeks, celery, spring shoots, carrots, as well as bananas, strawberries, lemons, grapes, etc.

These foods are particularly high in vitamins, which can restore energy and eliminate spring sleepiness.

Third, strengthen the campaign

In the spring, it is necessary to strengthen the exercise appropriately, such as jogging and swimming. These exercises improve cardiopulmonary function, but also speed up blood circulation throughout the body and improve metabolic function.

It can provide the brain with enough blood and oxygen to achieve the effect of keeping the brain awake.

Groggy all day, what to do? Reminder: Do these things well to help you get rid of spring sleepiness

In addition, in the spring, you can go out appropriately to go out to qingqing, which can eliminate spring difficulties and eliminate liver fire and heart fire.

All in all, if there is a spring meeting in the spring, we must do the above three points. In addition, be sure to pay attention to emotional regulation and reduce stress appropriately.

In addition, you can drink some lemon tea, chrysanthemum tea, goji berry tea and dandelion tea every day. It can play a role in blindness, liver nourishment, heat removal, etc., and has a certain effect on eliminating spring sleepiness.

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