
Parents are not tall, how can children grow taller?

When we were children, brothers and sisters got together, and the elders liked to make us back to back, higher than anyone. When I grew up, I always envied those tall and long legs.

Let's correct some misunderstandings first:

Want to grow taller, more calcium supplements! (X)

Children grow tall, relying on the secretion of growth hormone, not the credit of calcium supplementation.

It is true that calcium is important, but it is more harmful to overdose. Calcium supplementation, the most important thing is to drink milk + vitamin D!

Daddy is short, mother is short! (X)

Studies have shown that the heritability of men and women to the next generation is 0.89 and 0.87 respectively, and it seems that the impact of parents' height on the next generation is almost equal. Therefore, the fact that the child is short really cannot be all thanks to the mother's head!

Although the height of parents will have a great impact on children, it even determines 75% of the height of children. But the remaining 25%, the day after tomorrow, can also win back a round.

Parents are not tall, how can children grow taller?

Conversely, the acquired factors are not taken seriously, and children may not even reach the genetic height.

1. Lack of sleep (X)

Growth hormone is only slowly released after entering deep sleep. Therefore, sufficient sleep time and high sleep quality can fully release hormones and let the height "rub" up. If you want to grow tall, you must sleep well.

2. Drink less milk (X)

Compared with children who drink more milk and those who do not drink (or drink less milk), the average adult height will be about 2 to 5 cm higher. This is because milk has islet growth hormone-like proteins in it, and there are other kinds of nutrients that play a role.

Parents are not tall, how can children grow taller?

3. Eat too much (X)

Eating all the time, the body has to work hard to digest food, and growth hormone will naturally be snubbed and reduced secretion. Especially before going to bed, don't let your baby be greedy!

4. No Movement (X)

Doing outdoor sports such as jogging, swimming, pull-ups, basketball, and badminton can strengthen bones and help stretch joints. The body undergoes this series of contractions and relaxation movements that stimulate the release of growth hormone. Exercise more and grow tall!

In addition, some diseases (such as chronic gastroenteritis, nutritional disorders, diabetes, hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, etc.), or poor psychological conditions (such as emotional tension, anxiety, excessive excitement, etc.), may also affect the height of the child.

Therefore, if you want your child to grow tall, the diet structure is reasonable + sleep well + exercise more, coupled with the good mood every day, when you grow up, you must have a good look, a temperament, and a confident and confident!

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