
Essay | Ran Lifen: Inability to give up is nostalgia

Inability to give up is nostalgia

Text/Ran Lifen

Essay | Ran Lifen: Inability to give up is nostalgia

(Web Photo)

Everyone has their own hometown, haunted by a variety of unique and irreproducible nostalgia. Nostalgia is the concern and attachment that Mr. Yu Guangzhong could not reach in his lifetime; nostalgia is the sorrow of Du Fu's "dew from tonight white, the moon is the hometown of Ming"; nostalgia is Wang Wei's "remote knowledge of the brothers ascending to the heights, planting one less person everywhere"; nostalgia is the tears that his mother secretly erased when he left; nostalgia is the reluctance of his father's frown when he is far away... Nostalgia is the month before the bed, it is the love in the dream, it is the lingering feeling of the dream that has been around the soul for a long time...

I have been away from home for 21 years, and although I come back several times a year, I am still full of nostalgia for my home, for my relatives, and for my hometown, which gave me many wonderful memories of my childhood.

As my parents got older, the number of times they went home gradually increased. This time, I still came back because of my mother's leg pain.

After lunch at noon, my mother called to say that my leg hurt, and I was at school at the time, and I said, "Then I will take a leave of absence, and I will pick you up and take you to the hospital to see it again!" The mother asked, "How much are you in the afternoon class?" I said, "I'll arrange classes, you pack up your things and wait for me at home, last night I slept late, slept a little, and I was afraid of getting sleepy while driving." The mother instructed: "Don't panic when driving, don't worry!" Hang up the phone, I really plan to sleep for half an hour and then go back, last night to read a little late, unconsciously until more than twelve o'clock to go to bed, get up in the morning to make breakfast for the child, just look forward to having a break at noon. It was a long distance from school to my hometown, and I was inevitably sleepy when I was driving alone, so I lay in the bed, but somehow I didn't sleep at all... Just get up and go back.

Along the way, I didn't get sleepy, I kept thinking in my head, but I couldn't figure out what I was thinking, probably how to make my mother's legs no longer hurt! All the way to the thoughts, fortunately there are not many cars on the road, I quickly to the village, straight home, the door is covered, I pushed the door and shouted, there is no one at home, Dad this point should go to walk the birds, the legs and feet are inconvenient Mom Where did this go? I muttered in my heart as I walked into the house, there was no one in the house, the bed was on the bed where the mother went out to change clothes, there was a box of milk on the table, a bottle of ground pepper powder, a pocket of apples. As soon as I saw these preparations, I definitely let me take it back, and the little emotion that I had just skipped in my heart was instantly gone! The mother must have prepared something for our sisters again, and sure enough, I called the aunt next door, and the mother limped out of the door with a bundle of coriander.

I deliberately muttered, "I'm home and can't find anyone, where have you been?" The mother said, "You said that you would come back after a night's sleep, so I hurried to give you a little coriander, and this coriander was not medicated and harmless!" While putting down the parsley, the mother pulled a high stool and sat down and began to pick it up. I did not urge her again, this situation I have seen a lot, did not go home she always prepared a bunch of things in advance of a large bag and a small bag for us to bring back, some for children and some for the elderly... As if this had become a habit, every time I came home, my parents almost brought themselves back to us! Even if the things I bring every time are just new corn flour and bean noodles milled at home, hand-pressed noodles, and big steamed buns steamed by my mother... They still stubbornly packed them one by one, as if they had brought all of them and all they could think of to the children to be satisfied...

This time, my mother prepared four more pockets for me, and several small bags were divided into them. I carried a heavy bag behind the limping mother, this heaviness has long exceeded its own weight, at this moment, later, in this life, parents, these parents who have supported their children's brilliant future with simple hands, secretly aged in the years, time never cares for anyone, it is so mercilessly from the corner of the parents' eyes, waddling steps like we learned to walk when we were children, this scene in front of my eyes, happy and sad. The happiness is that no matter how old they are and how far they go, their parents will always be the arms we want to rely on; sadly, they will inevitably be tormented by illness in the years to come, but these are irreplaceable by children...

I was carrying something in one hand, and I put the other hand on my mother's shoulder, and my heart sank down, when did the mother, who was half a little taller than me, become shorter? An indescribable pain filled my heart socket, and I should inescapably face the fact that my parents were getting older! Despite the reluctance of a million... I put my arms around her and didn't say anything more. We talked about what we would do when we got to the hospital, what to eat for dinner, who was going to pick up the kids from school today... In this way, chatting about the topic that the girlfriend and the mother could not finish talking about, went straight to the hospital...

Speaking of nostalgia today, I feel a little sad, but isn't sadness the opportunity to inspire us to love, to express, to cherish and share the world with our parents? Nostalgia is the tears in the tears of parents when their children are far away; nostalgia is the naïve fantasy that their children want to give everything they have but ask their parents to be healthy when they are old; nostalgia is the endless concern of parents for their children, and it is the children's inexhaustible kindness to their parents for eternal life.

Essay | Ran Lifen: Inability to give up is nostalgia

【Author's Profile】Ran Lifen, a small teacher. He is a good teacher and friend of students, likes to read chicken soup for the soul, likes to use truth, goodness and beauty to live things, and likes to express his mood with words! Strive to be a new era educator who will never lag behind.

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