
Qingwei | nostalgia with nowhere to rest

Nostalgia with nowhere to go

From the China Finance Forum

Qingwei | nostalgia with nowhere to rest

Text/Ho Fa Dao Ya; Welcome to the China Finance Forum

Nostalgia is nostalgia for hometown. Such nostalgia and attachment, because there is nowhere to rest, becomes a kind of worry, a kind of melancholy, a kind of worry and sorrow about the hometown. As a result, the writers and inkers have nostalgia. We read nostalgia from so many poems.

When it comes to nostalgia, the first thing we think of should be "Nostalgia" in The Afterglow: "When I was a child, nostalgia was a small stamp, I was here, and my mother was there. Growing up, nostalgia was a narrow ticket, I was on this end, and the bride was on that end. Later, nostalgia was a short grave, I was outside, and my mother was inside. And now, nostalgia is a shallow strait, I am here, the mainland is at that end. "The reason why this "Nostalgia" is so famous and unforgettable is because the author wrote a kind of nostalgia that has nowhere to stay. Whether it is when he is a child, when he grows up, or when the author writes this poem, the nostalgia he shows will have nowhere to rest. It's this or that; inside, or out. When there is nowhere to be placed, it will be worried.

Nostalgia is a materialized emotion.

The so-called "nostalgia" is not necessarily a kind of "sadness". Such emotions do not necessarily arise from the "township". It is materialized, and it is also a kind of generalization, virtualization. "Township" is not a place of birth, old age, illness and death, living, having feelings, having been sour, sweet and bitter, and having love and hate. Leaving, I have a nostalgic thought, and if there is nothing, or if I just frown but have a heart in my heart, I am worried.

When it comes to "nostalgia", we should first say "hometown". "Hometown" has been "other hometown" so it has given birth to sorrow and hatred, so there is "nostalgia". The same is true of the "homeland".

Regarding nostalgia, it should be first seen in the "Xunzi Ritual Treatise": "If you pass through your hometown, you will wander, sound the trumpet, hesitate, hesitate, and then you can go." "It's the heaviest nostalgia I've ever read. Wandering, honking, hesitating, or because of all kinds of nostalgia for his hometown, there is no place to stay. The so-called "hometown" can also be called the "homeland". "Hometown" rises to "homeland", and the sorrow of going to the country and nostalgia for the homeland is a great feeling, the sorrow of the country.

Qingwei | nostalgia with nowhere to rest

"The seedlings of The Pi Are Separated, the Seedlings of the Pi Ji." The line is moving, the center is shaking. Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who do not know me say what I want. This is a verse in the "Poetry Classic", which is called "the sorrow of the departure" in history, and it is also the sorrow of the subjugation of the country. When the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, there will be a worry, and Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Troubles" is like this.

Villains are homesick, and heroes are worried about the country. But Gu Yanwu said: "The protector of the country, the king and his subjects, the flesh eaters, the protectors of the world, the lowly and responsible." "The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the people, and everyone has the right to go to the country and the homeland."

There is a verse in the Southern Tang Dynasty Lord Li Yu's "Yu Meiren": "Xiao lou had another east wind last night, and the homeland could not look back at the moon and the middle of the moon." "Because of the sound and color, I lost the great mountains and rivers." The homeland has become the "homeland"; the "hometown" has become the "hometown". Therefore, there is sorrow, and only then do I feel that the homeland cannot look back. Wen Tianxiang of the Song Dynasty was defeated and captured, and after passing through Ding Yang, the mountains and rivers were still the same, but they were already human, and they could not help but be sad and cold, and they could not help but sigh: "The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is fluttering, and the life is floating and raining." The panic beachhead said trepidation, zero Ding Yang sighed zero Ding. "This is the sorrow of the homeland. Nostalgia for the sorrow of the country, there is no place to rest, such sorrow, how can people relieve their worries?

Nostalgia, nowhere to put it, becomes a kind of sorrow.

If your hometown is well and your homeland is all right, if you are in your hometown and everything is satisfactory, where will your sorrow come from?

Nostalgia is actually an impulse to see the scene. Idle, suddenly homesick. It is because the scene in front of you provokes you to feel emotional, so that you can't help it. The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown. Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thinking" is actually because people are in other places, long nights are sleepless, and they have an impulse to go to homesickness. The night was so quiet that the movement of the moonlight could be heard and seen. The night seemed too cold, and the bright moonlight reflected in front of the bed, and I felt a layer of green frost enveloping me, and my whole body swept up layers of chill. As far as the eye can see, there is a vast expanse, silent, only a moon in the sky, where it is cold and emaciated. The most damning thing is that the round of thin moon is so similar to the round of the moon in the hometown. Homesickness can't help but come, like the moonlight, quietly coming. I wanted to spend the night without words and sleep peacefully. Who knows, the moon is coming, and the moonlight is coming. Man, he can no longer sleep. So, I went to homesickness.

Naran wrote in "A Journey on the Sauvignon Blanc Mountain": "The wind is more, the snow is more, and the dream of shattering the hometown is not possible." Naranjande was also unable to sleep peacefully, and only then did he feel homesick. Yes, when a person can't sleep at night, he often thinks. If it is a person who is wandering away, and at this moment, there is a little more reason to be homesick. A flash of wind, a flash of snow, and wanting to meet those people and things you want to see in your dreams, you can't do it. Since dreams cannot be achieved and do not go homesickness, what else can be done?

Qingwei | nostalgia with nowhere to rest

Nostalgia is the preserve of the wanderer.

Because you are a passer-by, although the front of the bustling is bustling, it has nothing to do with you, but it just triggers your homesickness. Everywhere bustling and noisy, everywhere red wine and green, everywhere brocade, you alone, in the fragrance of flowers and wine, your nostalgia has nowhere to rest. Can only wander, wander, hesitate, hesitate...

My father joined the army when he was very young and spent his whole life outside the world. Wherever you go, there is a battlefield, and when the war is over, the battlefield becomes a temporary home. When I got old, my life was stable, and I made my home in the city where I worked. But this home is still different from the home in the consciousness of the older generation. There are no footprints of several lifetimes, no branches and branches of seven passions, no ties and entanglements of nieces and brothers. Therefore, I never heard my father say anything like homesickness. Throughout his life, he was almost homeless, although he eventually settled in the present city, his fathers, his grandparents, were far away. And that "elsewhere", for him, the impression is too vague. If you don't have an impression, how do you think about it?

Sometimes I think that my father has no nostalgia. Because he didn't know where his nostalgia would be placed.

A person, with nostalgia, or without nostalgia, which one is happier?

For literati and inkers, nostalgia is an indispensable experience, right?

Everyone will have nostalgia.

Nostalgia should not be a geographical concept, but rather a literary image, or a concept of home country.

Yu Guangzhong said that when he was a child, nostalgia was a small stamp. Growing up, nostalgia was a narrow ticket. And now, nostalgia is a shallow strait.

The nostalgia in Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts" is a round of moon. The nostalgia in Naranjand's Sauvignon Blanc is wind and snow. The nostalgia in Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing zero Ding Yang" is a broken mountain and river, a fate of ups and downs. In Ma Zhiyuan's "Heavenly Pure Sand and Autumn Thoughts", everything you see is nostalgia. If a person's nostalgia has nowhere to rest, then, like Ma Zhiyuan, a piece of sorrow is placed on the dead vines, old trees, crows, small bridges, flowing water, people's homes, ancient roads, west winds, skinny horses, and the sunset in the west. Or as Li Bai confided to Wang Changling, "I send my heart and the bright moon, and follow the wind until the night Langxi." ”

Editor: Ma Xuemin

One point number Qingwei Heze creative base

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