
Willing to be so kind to your man, do not love you at all, in time to stop the loss is the wise move


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Love is never a once and for all thing, not that as long as one person confesses, after the other person nods his head in agreement, this love can naturally continue, confession success is only the beginning of love, the remaining long road still needs two people to pay each other, and joint management can be long-lasting.

Some people do not get along with each other after years of accumulation, you can't see what the other person is like, and true love often requires two people to get along for a long time to understand.

Some people are not together before, you see the other party is very beautiful, can't help but fantasize about him as a beautiful avatar, can't help but want to get closer to him, but after getting him, you will find that in fact, you imagined him too perfectly, he was originally just an ordinary person, but your likes gilded him.

Only by experiencing it personally can we fully recognize a person, and love or non-love is not just lip service, but needs to be expressed through practical actions.

Good love must be able to make you better, and after being with him you will become happier and brighter, and only in this way can the love that brings you upwards be worth insisting on.

A good lover must be fully accepting, accepting all your good and bad places, extremely tolerant of you, able to make you completely dependent, completely self-contained. Only such a lover is worthy of your wholehearted follow-up.

On the contrary, if a man is willing to do this to you, it means that he does not love you at all in his heart, and in the face of such a person, it is wise to stop the loss in time.

Habitually suppress you and taunt you

To see if a man truly loves you, it depends on whether you have become more confident in this relationship.

A man who truly loves you, he will definitely guard your innocence, tolerate your temper, so that you can release yourself in front of him, he will always praise you, praise you, hold you in the palm of his hand like a princess, in his place, you are the most beautiful, the best, the most unique.

When a man gives such a return to a woman, the woman will definitely become more confident, and she will not become a gain or loss in this love, and she will be very secure.

What a woman shows to the outside world is closely related to the man's love for her, a woman surrounded by full of love, she will certainly exude a kind of self-confidence from the inside out, and be full of enthusiasm for life.

On the contrary, a woman who is not pampered, the whole person will become very pessimistic, very insecure, standing in the crowd always curled up, without a little self-confidence.

The man who loves you will help you build self-confidence, he will block all the malice to help you out, will give you full of love and security with practical actions, and he will keep praising you and praising you in his daily life, so that you can have more energy to face life.

Men who don't love you, he will habitually suppress you, taunt you, always have the upper hand verbally, and by suppressing you in a way that gives him an advantage in the relationship and enhances his sense of superiority.

Even if you are very good in yourself, being with him will make you very inferior and weak.

Liu Liqi in "Spring Day Late Departure" is a very good woman, a college teacher, and a doctoral student, no matter from what aspect she is very good, but with her ex-husband, but very unconfident, he always says that she is short, and she is ugly.

For such a man who should have left long ago, he simply did not love you enough, was with you only to flaunt his own excellence, and lacked basic respect for you.

Turn a blind eye to your sadness and feel that you are arrogant

Most girls are more emotional, and they will be gloomy because of a small matter and fall into a sad state.

In fact, many times they are very strong, self-healing ability is very strong, can self-digest a lot of sad and sad emotions. It's just that after being with you, it will become more and more dependent on you, and will expose its vulnerable side in front of you, just wanting to get your comfort.

At this time, if it is a man who loves you, he will definitely accept all your bad emotions, and will gently let you rely on him and help you relieve your sadness.

For him, you are like a child, he has the responsibility to take care of you, to take care of you, not willing to let you suffer a little grievance.

A man who doesn't love you, he will turn a blind eye to your sadness, not only will not comfort you, but will even feel that you are pretentious.

For example, if you have suffered a little grievance at work, go home and cry with him, he will say: Whose work is not wronged, you are arrogant?

For example, if you have a little conflict with your friend, he will say, "It must be your problem, first find your own reasons."

Even if the two of you quarrel, he will not put your sadness in his eyes, even if he makes you cry, he will feel that your tears are too annoying, and will say that you "cry and cry, and you know to cry all day long." ”

In his place, he can only accept your happy and positive side, your negative energy can only be digested by yourself, he will not help you at all, will not care about your sadness. In the face of such a person, what else is there to hesitate? Separation is the liberation for you.

You won't protect you when you get into things, leaving you hanging out

I have seen such a video, girls and boys walking on the road, girls accidentally bumped into a person, the other party has an aggressive attitude, the man standing next to her not only does not protect her, but even said "you don't know how to look at the point when you walk, delay time." Disgusted because of her recklessness, she has delayed her own time.

Another time the girl drove the car, accidentally rear-ended, she called the boy, originally wanted him to come over to help her solve the problem, but the boy's attitude was very cold, just blamed her for driving carelessly, from beginning to end did not care whether she was injured. Finally, the next sentence: you solve it yourself, and hang up the phone.

Generally speaking, when encountering things, boys should stand on the side of girls and help her fight against outsiders, afraid that some men will only feel that you are humiliated, think that you have delayed his time, and do not have half pity and love for you, leave you alone, do not help you solve problems, and even help outsiders to help.

Here he only cares about his own face, only cares about his own interests, has not considered your feelings at all, and has not thought of helping you resist the wind and rain of the outside world.

In fact, what a girl wants is very simple, and what she needs is nothing more than an unconditional protection. Even if it is true that she made a mistake, you still stand firmly by her side to protect her and help him fight against the outside world, rather than blaming her in turn.

I once thought that love could help me resist the wind and waves, but later I found that in fact, many times, the real wind and waves are often given by the people closest to me. Those who will give you wind and waves, then let it go, keep it will only add to your own blockage.

In fact, love boils down to two words, not to give up.

Because he loves you, he is not willing to let you suffer a little grievance, he is not willing to see you sad, he will only blame himself, did not protect you, made you sad and sad, and was not willing to bring you wind and rain with his own hands.

The man who loves you tries to spoil you, accompany you, and care for you, and the person who does not love you dislikes you in every way, for fear of hurting his interests because of you, and will feel that you are humiliated and annoyed.

Because you don't love, you will be willing to meet the above three kinds of men, just leave, leave him you can meet a new life.

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