
What should parents do with a baby who cries in the middle of the night? It's important to master the method!

When young parents first arrive, they always can't stand the baby's sudden crying in the middle of the night, that is, they can't understand why the good baby during the day has become a "crying haunted" at night. Trying to cure him satisfactorily, the baby's inexplicable crying can easily lead to the emotional collapse of parents, and impatience and helplessness, always can't help but want to "stuff" the child back! Young people who are already under a lot of pressure will inevitably be troubled by this.

What should parents do with a baby who cries in the middle of the night? It's important to master the method!

So why does it cause your baby to cry in the middle of the night? The reasons behind this deserve our in-depth investigation!

I've summarized the common reasons:

1. Lack of physical contact with parents.

The newborn baby is like a sticky "little lazy cat", he needs to contact with close people, will hug and kiss high, need to cooperate with their little sticky people, if you feel less contact today, in the middle of the night will start to make trouble, hug and kiss. Please don't skimp on touching and kissing your baby, who needs to feel your love through physical contact. However, please pay attention to hygiene.

2. Bored baby.

Don't think that the baby doesn't understand things, he also has a temper, bored and wants to find a companion. When they feel idle, they can't see the people close to them and start to be afraid and worried, without the ability to express language, they can only pass on information through crying. This is also one of the reasons why common babies "demonize" in the middle of the night.

What should parents do with a baby who cries in the middle of the night? It's important to master the method!

3. The temperature is not comfortable.

Babies also have their own suitable temperature, which is not quite the same as adults. As for whether to get used to hot or like cold, each baby has its own "taste". Therefore, we should know the appropriate temperature of the baby in time, give the baby the appropriate increase or decrease of clothing, do not have to worry about the baby afraid of cold cover tightly, keep ventilation indoors, if you play outdoors, you can adjust according to the weather.

4. Crying caused by stimulation.

In the baby who has not yet had the ability to express language, its sensory ability is very sensitive, the ability to withstand is relatively weak, hearing the noise of the outside world or the glare of the glare will stimulate the baby, causing the child to cry endlessly, in order to prevent this problem, it is best to give the child a quiet and suitable rest environment to ensure that sleep is not disturbed by the outside world.

What should parents do with a baby who cries in the middle of the night? It's important to master the method!

Baby crying in the middle of the night, how do we coax?

Check whether the diaper should be changed: Newborn babies, because they are breastfeeding, digestion and absorption are fast, so the number of bowel movements per day is more frequent, generally about 10-12 times. If you look closely, you will find that if the baby who is crying because the diaper is not wet, he will feel a little restless and restless, because the diaper is not wet and should be changed, so he is not comfortable crying.

What should parents do with a baby who cries in the middle of the night? It's important to master the method!

b. Physiological needs: This is the crying of hunger, foraging through crying. When you are hungry at first, you will become calm, if your mother does not understand, then you will start to cry and lose your temper, until you reach the goal, and then you will return to "good baby".

d. Crying when intestinal colic: In the baby of 3 to 4 months of age, is the stage of frequent colic in the baby, the main symptom is stomach pain, we have no way to help him alleviate, because it is physiological reasons, basically will go through the process, with the growth of about six months will get better, this period of crying parents to understand.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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