
The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

I don't know when, eating snacks, especially some "junk snacks", has gradually become a reward for parents to their children. What's more, some parents will feel that these snacks are not staple foods, they love to eat, give their children to eat some, what is the harm?

Then Guo Mama will take you to see how much these 5 common snacks that parents and children love to eat will have a big impact on the baby's height, development, IQ, etc.

5 snacks that children should stay away from, affecting height development and IQ

The first one: fried potato chips

This is the favorite of many children and parents! Say the harm of potato chips, don't say that for children to eat, parents may not dare to eat themselves, anyway, Guo Dad and Guo Mom will never buy this again.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

About nutrition

The potatoes themselves are nutritious, but after various productions and frying, the proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. inside are all destroyed. Not only is there no favorable nutrition, but it will also produce a toxic substance called "acrylamide", the child's detoxification ability is very poor, after eating, it will be "latent" in the body.

In addition, the sodium content in potato chips is relatively high, and children often eat it, which will increase the burden on the kidneys.

About heat

The calories of fried foods are relatively high, and eating too much can easily lead to obesity.

About hazardous substances

Most potato chips will have trans fatty acids in them, so they will be so crunchy and delicious to eat. However, trans fatty acids will enhance LDL and lower HDL, which has an impact on the body, and will also reduce the child's memory, thereby affecting the child's academic performance and IQ.

Some potato chips also have excess aluminum, which inhibits bone production and affects the child's bone development and height development.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

The second one: chocolate

Sweet chocolate, how many children can refuse?

The "Chinese Food Composition Table (Second Edition)" pointed out that 100 chocolates contain 2453KJ, as well as 53.4g of sugar, 4.3g of protein and 40.1g of fat. Counting down, 50g of chocolate can be worth the heat of half a bowl of rice.

The nutrients contained in chocolate, as well as the ultra-high calories, are very suitable for infants and young children.

In addition, a lot of chocolate quality is not high, in order to make chocolate look better, more delicious, many chocolates on the market will add saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, stabilizers, pigments, spices and a large number of food additives, which will cause a very large burden on the body of infants and young children.

Even older children are not recommended to eat more chocolate.

Because chocolate contains ingredients that can make the child's system excited, it is not easy for the child to fall asleep and is too excited.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

Pistachio once went to the supermarket, just had a chocolate tasting, the salesman was very helpful, gave the pistachio a big chocolate, we wanted to refuse too late. Then that night, pistachios, which usually fall asleep before 9 o'clock, didn't fall asleep until nearly 11 o'clock! That's an excitement!

In chocolate, there is also oxalic acid, which will form calcium oxalate with the calcium in milk, which affects the child's absorption of calcium, thus affecting height!

Paragraph 3: Beverages

Guo Mom doesn't like to drink because it's too sweet, but Guo Dad likes to drink, which even with pistachios often rub a few sips, and then rub until they don't want to drink boiled water!

Because Guo Mom knew how inappropriate the drink was, she forced Guo Dad to quit the drink and drink boiled water with the whole family.

The drinks on the market are really called a variety of drinks, mainly including carbonated drinks, functional drinks and lactic acid drinks.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

Carbonated drinks contain acidic substances such as carbonated acid, lemonade, and a large amount of sugar, caffeine, artificial pigments, etc., which will have a great impact on the child's teeth, digestive system, etc., and will also inhibit the growth and reproduction of probiotics in the body, destroy the micro-ecological balance, thereby affecting the growth and development of children.

The functional drink is suitable for people who sweat a lot after exercise, contains high calories and electrolytes, naturally not suitable for children, children drink, and may be born with hallucinations, rapid heartbeat and other risks.

In fact, most of the lactic acid drinks are made of flavoring agents and trace elements, and the really useful nutrients are very few, if you use this instead of dairy products, it will affect the growth and development of children.

Fourth paragraph: chewing gum

This seems to be a relatively popular food, and many families will have a bottle. Many parents will feel that this just plays a role in refreshing the breath, and it does not matter if the child comes to one.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

However, when the child chews gum, it will increase the contact between the mouth and the outside, coupled with the blowing and spitting bubbles, which is more likely to make the mouth contaminated with bacteria.

Chewing gum may also be swallowed, while the gum component is mainly artificial rubber, which will make it difficult for children to digest.

Section 5: Jelly

First of all, children under the age of 3 must not eat jelly, which is too easy to cause the risk of suffocation!

Also, jelly is really unhealthy. In 2004, the European Commission decided to ban the sale of jelly in order to ensure the health of children, and also required all member states to rip jelly off the shelves. Therefore, the EU market has not seen the figure of jelly.

There are too many additives in the jelly that are not suitable for children's growth, such as preservatives, whitening agents, colors, flavors, sweeteners, thickeners and so on!

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

Parents: The probability of these snacks appearing in the family is too high! If you also have children at home, be sure to put away these snacks and prepare some healthier and equally delicious snacks for your children!

How should I eat my child's snacks? 2 details to pay attention to

Detail 1: How to eat snacks

No matter how good the snack is, give it to the child, be sure to pay attention to the degree.

Snacks are used to properly replenish energy between meals, so only when the amount is suitable, can it not affect the intake of children's meals.

In general, smaller babies can arrange some snacks at 9-10 in the morning and 3-4 in the afternoon, and stop snacking after dinner.

In addition, it should be noted that eating snacks should also pay attention to hygiene. Washing hands and gargling is required.

The 5 snacks that children should stay away from, which affect height development and IQ, still appear in many families

Detail 2: What kind of snack to eat

Children's snacks, from the packaging point of view, try to choose small packages, it is not recommended to buy bulk exposed snacks.

From a safety point of view, when parents choose snacks for their children, they need to look at the production date, shelf life, nutrient composition, ingredient list, etc., and need to avoid foods with high sugar, high oil and high salt and multiple additives.

In terms of snack options, the recommended snacks are fruits, vegetables, high-quality dairy products, soy products, nuts (smaller children eat grinding) and so on. Those dried fruits, dried fruits, ice cream, milk drinks, etc., do not buy them for children to eat.

Pistachio Mom message

Snacks are an indispensable part of a child's life, and like the main meal, it is directly related to the child's health. As a parent, you must do a good job for your child! If necessary, parents themselves are better off quitting these unhealthy snacks!

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