
In infancy, these few signs can judge whether the child is "smart" or not in the future!

Since ancient times, the average age of the prodigies excavated on the mainland has been about three or four years old. Parents' hopes for their children are also gradually "inflated" with the age of their children, from safe and healthy to intelligent expectations.

In infancy, these few signs can judge whether the child is "smart" or not in the future!

However, all expectations are attached to the child's physical health conditions, smart and clever children are always more liked, not only superficial intelligence but also need to prove the cleverness.

At what stage can a child be found to be intelligent or not?

The process of each child's growth is divided into stages. Because there is roughly no difference in the development and progression of the body, the ability to display at any stage of growth is generally unchanged, so the correlation between each stage is necessary.

Therefore, if you want to have children better than other peers, you need to work harder than others. Since we "work hard" every day with our minds, we can only be whimsical and futile.

In infancy, these few signs can judge whether the child is "smart" or not in the future!

What are the intellectual performances of children in infancy?

First, the "self-consciousness" of the newborn baby sucking

Newborns are as clean and simple as a blank piece of paper, when they first arrive in the world, everything is the first contact, there is no experience to speak of, for them, they are all learning, but even then they also have innate "skills", such as sucking. This is a physiological reflex, when the mother sends the nipple to the baby's mouth, they will consciously suck breast milk, without teaching innately, do not worry that the child will be hungry, worry about breast milk is not enough for them to suck! This is the magical life, the ability to eat is innate, eat and drink enough to continue to survive, explore this new world.

In infancy, these few signs can judge whether the child is "smart" or not in the future!

Although it is an instinctive reaction, it is also a manifestation of judging the intelligence development of the baby's brain, and the baby with congenital hypoplasia or low intelligence will lack the awareness of actively looking for milk, and the hunger signal brain has not been received for the first time.

Second, when breastfeeding, I like to interact with my mother

The sleep time required after the baby is just born is very long, which is also a kind of energy storage. Because the baby is in a state of rapid development at this stage, it is not too much to say that it is a day. When breastfeeding, the baby is generally in a waking state, and will maintain a brief interaction with the mother when pumping, and this state will be maintained for longer and longer as the child grows older.

In infancy, these few signs can judge whether the child is "smart" or not in the future!

Third, speak earlier

In general, the baby starts to learn to speak at about the age of 1, and each child's situation is different, sooner or later. Babies who speak early usually have better intellectual development, because learning language is an imitation process that relies on the brain, so it will be one step ahead of others.

However, it still needs the guidance of parents' premises, and it is difficult to learn without a proper language learning environment.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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