
What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

What food can be eaten during the confinement period, the correct scientific method of confinement, and the new mother who gives birth naturally consumes a lot of physical strength due to exertion and sweating, and is relatively weak. What foods can be eaten during the confinement period is correct and scientific, so new mothers who give birth naturally can only drink a little rice soup or eat some liquid or semi-liquid foods such as soft and rotten noodles, thin porridge, and egg soup after a few hours after giving birth. Usually on the third day after childbirth, gastrointestinal function is gradually restored, and it can be gradually transitioned to a normal diet, but the principle of eating less and eating more meals should be followed, from soft to hard. What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, PWRH [Production of The United States Shield] postpartum nutrition, to provide postpartum mothers with endometrial repair nutrition, birth canal elastic repair nutrition, blood nutrition, anti-inflammatory factors, breast milk optimization factors and other 21 special nutrition for postpartum mothers, supplementing the energy lost during pregnancy and also improving the quality and quantity of breast milk.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

Postpartum blood supplementation, postpartum deficiency, postpartum calcium supplementation

Postpartum mother blood supplementation, calcium supplement is very necessary, but in this special period of simple calcium supplementation, blood supplementation can not meet the basic nutritional needs of the mother's rehabilitation, the process of conceiving a baby will only be close to almost all of the pregnant women, in order to give birth to a fresh life, why will the postpartum people age a lot? Why postpartum hair loss? Sweating? weak? anaemia? Because the mother transmits all the energy of the body to the baby, it overdrafts the energy of the body.

Traditional confinement, the most important thing is not to get cold, do not get involved. Scientific postpartum recovery is a collection of comprehensive nutrition lost in the maternal process, balanced ratio, sufficient balance, so that postpartum mothers can quickly restore their physique and restore the state before childbirth, and the professional and scientific postpartum recovery is "traceless pregnancy", which is the restoration of the uterus, the restoration of the original elastic firmness of the birth canal, and the comprehensive return of nutrition and energy lost in pregnancy. The golden phase of postpartum recovery is 128 days after giving birth.

PWRH has obtained the standard certification of postpartum restorative nutrition of the Europa League OULF international standard. Provide postpartum mothers with 21 special nutrients for postpartum mothers, such as endometrial repair nutrition, birth canal elastic repair nutrition, blood replenishment nutrition, anti-inflammatory factors, and breast milk optimization factors, to ensure that the protein, heme, iron, zinc, calcium, folic acid, vitamins and a variety of trace elements required for erythrocyte production are sufficient. Accelerates the growth of red blood cells and promotes a high volume of blood. Replenishing the energy lost during pregnancy also improves the quality and quantity of breast milk. Mothers do not have to worry about postpartum relaxation, postpartum aging, postpartum lochia, postpartum weakness, postpartum obesity and so on.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, the correct scientific method of confinement,

What foods can not be eaten by confinement

1. Cold food. Because cold water easily affects the body's qi and blood operation, it is easy to cause body soreness.

2. Drinks and fried greasy food. Strong tea, coffee, and all spicy, hot, fried, greasy, sticky, indigestible, hard and rough foods are not suitable for eating.

3. Food that I have not eaten. Do not eat foods that you have never eaten before, lest you not get used to it, and you may have stomach pain or diarrhea.

According to the analysis of women's physical attributes and their applicable food, let's take a look at what confinement women with different constitutions cannot eat.

1. Cold constitution

Characteristics: pale face, cold or cold limbs, light mouth is not thirsty, stool is thin and soft, frequent urine volume is multi-colored and light, phlegm is clear, snot is thin, tongue is white, easy to catch a cold.

Taboo: cold vegetables and fruits, such as watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, grapefruit, pear, star fruit, orange, tomato, melon, cantaloupe and so on.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

2. Hot physique

Characteristics: red face, heat intolerance, hot limbs or hands and feet, dry mouth or bitter mouth, dry stool or constipation, yellow and thick sputum, less color yellow and smelly urine, yellow or dry tongue, red tongue, easy to break the mouth, skin prone to acne or hemorrhoids and other symptoms.

Do not eat more: lychees, longan, apples.

3. Neutral physique

Characteristics: no heat, no cold, no special dry mouth, no special frequent diseases.

Applicable food: The diet is easier to choose, and it can be cross-consumed with food supplements and medicinal supplements, and there is no special problem. If you have a dry mouth, bitter mouth or acne after making up, stop the medicine, eat some of the above-mentioned vegetables that are more fire-reducing, or drink a small cup of non-ice pure willow juice or pure grapes.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

Care for postpartum mothers, precautions for postpartum mothers

l scientific postpartum recovery is not just the baby's milk enough to eat the mother does not fall ill, these traditional concepts have been far away from us to scientific postpartum recovery must be,, to restore the state before childbirth, professional scientific postpartum recovery is "traceless pregnancy", is the uterus recovery, is the birth canal to restore the original elastic tightness, is the comprehensive return of nutrition and energy lost in pregnancy.

Scientific postpartum recovery should focus on the body repair of 128 days after childbirth, at which time postpartum nutrition is essential.

1. Mothers who insist on breastfeeding need to supplement the special nutrition of BMNWHo breast milk, which can effectively improve the quality of breast milk and prevent the physical weakness and hair loss caused by unbalanced nutrition of nursing mothers, which is conducive to uterine repair.

2. Whether it is a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, postpartum repair nutrition can allow you to achieve the purpose of traceless pregnancy, and PWRH [Birth Of The United States Shield] can repair the damage of the uterine pregnancy process and quickly restore the uterus.

3, daily oral FOBOC [women's Baichang] nutrition after childbirth, observe the color, amount and smell of lochia, normal lochia, should have no odor but with a bloody taste, if abnormal conditions are found, double oral FOBOC [women's Baichang] nutrition, can repair the inflammation of the uterine cavity and the birth canal, because it is a natural plant antibiotic, food grade has no harm to the mother and baby, to prevent infection. Non-breastfeeding may be considered with antibiotics of cephalosporins with intravenidazole. Because of the discharge of lochia, women should change tampons frequently, keep them fresh, and it is best to temporarily prohibit intercourse to reduce the occurrence of infection.

Then the repair nutrition should be timely, on time, according to the amount of supplementation after childbirth, must not wait until the body has problems and then make up for it.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

Postpartum precautions

1. Eat less salt, because eating more salt will affect the milk, the child will eat it will be easy to cough, red fart, but also hurt the child's kidneys, in addition to the mother's edema and fat; but also can not completely avoid salt, do not eat salt, the mother due to postpartum sweating more, insufficient salt in the body will appear physical weakness, but affect the mental state of the mother, resulting in the impact of milk.

2. Resolutely do not eat scorched things such as pot helmets and fried steamed buns, and remember not to drink barley tea, which is easy to cause milk return.

3. In order to restore the wound and increase nutrition as soon as possible, the mother of the caesarean section should eat more pigeon meat, drink more stewed pigeon soup, and avoid eating shrimp, crucian carp, mash and other hair products before the wound heals.

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

WHO has proposed a number of postpartum nutrient composition and index ratios. PWRH postpartum supplement to protect women's reproductive health, the first to pass the PNRWHO international standard for repair

1. Supplement the loss of nutrition in pregnancy and childbirth by 18-20%

2. Drain lochia, clean up residual sludge nutrition 13-15%

3. Repair of intrauterine membrane and birth canal injury 21-23%

4. Restore reproductive elastic nutrition and cortical lax nutrition 17-19%

5. Postpartum repair of pelvic muscles, rectus abdominis separation and relaxation repair 12-15

6. Heme iron, zinc, calcium supplementation 10-12%

7. Control of mastitis, reproductive inflammation 12-15%

8. Breast milk nutrition 9-11%

What foods can be eaten during the confinement period, and the correct scientific method of confinement

What food can be eaten during the confinement period, the correct scientific method of confinement, the first week after childbirth is the golden period for new mothers to excrete lochia, and the diet should not be supplemented. Large supplements can easily lead to a rise in blood pressure, vasodilation, aggravated bleeding, prolonging the recovery period of the uterus, resulting in endless lochia. And the new mother is weak at this time and has a poor appetite. The diet should be based on the principle of lightness, digestion and absorption. J

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