
Psychological Adjustment Handbook During the Epidemic (Resident Edition)

First, what emotional reactions are easy to occur during isolation

When we encounter some unexpected situations, some nervous and anxious emotions appear, which is a protective normal response. Moderate anxiety can improve our alertness levels and help us adapt to the environment and improve our coping skills. Common psychological reactions include mild anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, restlessness, alertness, insomnia, etc., and the general human body will be automatically relieved by short-term (about 1 week) self-adjustment, without special treatment.

Psychological assistance is required in the following cases

If you or someone around you has serious self-blame, hates yourself, feels empty; becomes more sluggish and numb, appears impulsive, angry, and self-injurious behavior; withdraws, refuses to establish intimate relationships; insecure, severe insomnia, attention and memory loss is obvious, catastrophic, selective attention to negative information, paranoia, sensitivity and paranoia, etc.; or has obvious physical discomfort, such as impatience, vomiting, nausea, frequent urination, anorexia, dizziness, headache, chest tightness, trembling, etc. If you experience these reactions, are excessive, or last longer than 2 weeks, seek help from a professional psychologist.

Why is psychological intervention needed?

Psychological trauma is not as intuitive, valued and understood as physical trauma, but psychological trauma is also like physical trauma, which requires a process of recovery. If psychological intervention is not carried out in time, some individuals who suffer psychological trauma in the future are likely to have some various psychological problems and mental diseases. Accepting psychological crisis intervention in a timely manner can help you get out of the haze faster and reduce the occurrence of various mental illnesses.

IV. Self-help assessment of mental health

Psychological Adjustment Handbook During the Epidemic (Resident Edition)

Scoring Description: This scale is a self-assessment scale of 7 items with a 4-level score of 21 points. The total score is >

Psychological Adjustment Handbook During the Epidemic (Resident Edition)
Psychological Adjustment Handbook During the Epidemic (Resident Edition)

Scoring Description: This scale has a total of 8 entries, each of which is divided into 0, 1, 2, 3 four-level scores from scratch to severe, and the numbers in front of the options represent the corresponding scores. Add up the scores of each question to get the total score of the scale, which is the corresponding result. Results: 1-4 points, no sleep disorders; 4-6 points, suspected insomnia; more than 6 points, insomnia.

Fifth, how to regulate emotions during isolation

1. Do not panic, correctly recognize, acknowledge and accept, allow and normalize

Correctly understand the virus, do a good job of protection, calm head, do not panic, correctly understand the performance of their emotions, recognize, accept and allow their own vulnerability and inadequacy, recognition and acceptance is also a kind of ability, so that both come and go, believe in the country and the government.

2. Appropriate expression and accompaniment: talking, painting, diary, sports, etc

While waiting for the nucleic acid test, you can do some things that make you feel happy, such as talking, drawing, writing a diary, indoor exercise, etc. Play some parent-child games with your children to enhance your feelings and make family relations more harmonious.

3. Self-care: eating, resting, relaxing, mindfulness, etc

Learn to take care of yourself, care for yourself, eat reasonably, work and rest regularly, arrange your daily life reasonably, and carry out self-relaxation and mindfulness training every day.

(Scan the code to pay attention to the vibrato number or video number of the Fourth People's Hospital of Huaihua City, and watch the relaxation and mindfulness training videos.) )

4. Seek outside help

You can contact family, friends by phone or video to get psychological support. If you are serious, you can seek the help of a psychologist, you can call the Huaihua City 24-hour free psychological assistance hotline: 0745-2480666.

Eighth, how to do a good job of self-protection during the outing

Wear masks as required, wash hands frequently, try to avoid and reduce crowded places, try to avoid directly touching public objects with your hands, carry quick-drying hand disinfectants or other effective hand disinfectants with you, try to keep a distance from others (one meter), and when there are suspected, confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected people, you should follow the instructions of the staff, do a good job of personal protection, and do not leave without permission.

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