
After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

In the process of growing up, the most desired thing is to get pocket money. Perhaps for parents, pocket money is not a big deal, but for children, pocket money is not small, which means that they can have their own money at their disposal, just like "growing up".

For children's pocket money, perhaps some parents will have such an experience, sometimes suddenly find that they have less change in their wallets, then the first suspect of parents may be their own children, and some children do have some "ideas" about their parents' money. In view of this situation, parents should consider whether they should give their children pocket money.

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

Case: The wallet is missing ten yuan, and the parents use a trick to let the child admit that he has made a mistake

Ms. Ding has always been more sensitive to the number of money, usually in life also have the habit of bookkeeping, one day she suddenly found that her wallet was missing ten yuan, at first she did not think so much, but first recalled whether she had made a mistake in bookkeeping, but there was no such thing.

Then she asked her husband again, but she was also denied by her husband, then she naturally thought of the child, but this kind of question she is not good to ask the child directly, worried that if it is not a child, it will hurt the child's heart, so she plans to observe it first.

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

The next day, when Ms. Ding went to pick up the child, she found that the child was eating snacks with her classmates, and the other child said, "Next time it's time to change your guests, we have both invited." "There are two classmates standing with the child, and the classmate who is pointed out nodded, so this means that his own child has also been invited, but the child does not have money, where does this money come from? Naturally, it becomes a problem.

On the way home, Ms. Ding kept thinking about how to solve the problem. When it came time to eat in the evening, she opened her mouth and talked to her husband, "My money lost ten yuan, I plan to go to the police, maybe the family has entered, although the amount of money is not large, but the problem is not small, or have to call the police to check, plus there is monitoring at home, it is still easy to find out." ”

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

After saying this, Ms. Ding obviously saw the child's body pause. After eating, the child took the initiative to walk to Ms. Ding's side, "Mom, I took your money, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it myself without saying it." ”

Ms. Ding was also relieved at this time, and later asked the child the reason for taking the money, and said that she would give him pocket money in the future, and when she wanted money, she should report it to her parents, rather than taking it at will, since then, Ms. Ding's children have never taken money themselves, thanks to Ms. Ding's education method.

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

01 After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

If children lack the guidance of their parents in the process of growing up, then they actually have no concept of "stealing", perhaps they will be a little nervous when taking their parents' money, and they will be overwhelmed, but if the parents do not guide in time, or do not think so, then the child will become unscrupulous, and may even take a detour when they grow up.

Presumably, everyone has heard the story of "stealing needles when you are a child, stealing gold when you grow up", in fact, on the issue of children's education, this is the case.

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

Generally speaking, after the age of 10, the concept of money for children begins to be slowly enriched, and they also have the ability to buy, and they are eager to have money that they can dispose of, but many parents do not have this concept, but they just feel that their children are still young at this time, do not need to buy anything themselves, and want to find parents to buy something.

But in fact, this is definitely not enough, it is best to give the child some pocket money, the amount is not too much, enough for the child to control at this age, otherwise if too much is given, the child's consumption situation will also change significantly.

After the child passes this age, if he does not give pocket money, his hands will become "dishonest" and he will ruin the baby

Just like my friend's child, because the conditions at my friend's home are better, so every week I will take a hundred to the child, and it is only a third-grade child, at first the child can save money, but later, three or four days to take a hundred, sometimes the child treats, maybe two days to take a. At first, the friend did not care, after all, he was not short of money, but then the friend's business lost money, the conditions at home became more and more tense, and he could no longer provide such superior conditions for the child, which also made the child have a great sense of gap, and later embarked on the road of breaking the law.

Therefore, it is recommended that parents should establish a correct view of money and consumption for their children from an early age, do not let children have the idea of money supremacy from an early age, and do not let children be guided by consumerism, otherwise it will not only be parents who will suffer in the future, but also children.

Conclusion: Parents should give their children pocket money when their children are about 10 years old, and the amount of pocket money is also determined according to the age and needs of the children, rather than giving them to the children without restraint. At the same time, it is also important to establish a correct view of consumption, after all, this is the key to determining whether children can consume correctly.

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