
What effects does autism affect a child? What are the dangers of autism?

Many of our parents are not very concerned about their children, and often ignore the care of their children, so it is easy to cause children to suffer from autism, so it has a very big impact on the healthy growth of children, so what obvious harms will autism bring?

What effects does autism affect a child? What are the dangers of autism?

(1) Perception mode:

Restless or intense reactions to certain sounds, colors, foods, or light; weak responses to cold, heat, and pain, so there is a lack of alertness and appropriate response to risky behaviors; and they constantly turn their bodies or explore objects in abnormal ways, indulging themselves in some kind of sensory stimulus.

(2) Development:

About thirty percent of intellectual development is normal, seventy percent are mentally retarded or have an IQ of seventy or less; the development of abilities in all aspects is uneven, and the development process is different from that of children in general.

What effects does autism affect a child? What are the dangers of autism?

(3) Emotional and behavioral aspects:

Communication difficulties and failure to adapt to the transition make it easier to be stimulated by emotional or environmental factors and to exhibit impulsive or injurious behaviors.

(4) Living habits:

It will resist a certain taste, color, or food that has not been eaten, resulting in severe partial eating behavior; there will be difficulty falling asleep.

What effects does autism affect a child? What are the dangers of autism?

(5) Strengths and interests:

Some patients may have abnormal memory; they may have particularly superior performance in terms of personal interests and skills.

I hope that after you understand these contents, you can help your child prevent autism in your life and avoid letting this disease affect your child's health.

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