
Fetal protection during pregnancy = bed rest? Miss by a mile!

Many pregnant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy are told that the fetus is unstable and need to protect the fetus, at this time, most people's practice is to stay in bed, or even simply do not get out of bed, is this really the right way to protect the fetus? In this issue, take a look at the answers to related questions with Xiaojing.

If the body is abnormal during pregnancy, proper rest is correct, but this does not mean that bed rest is the best. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has mentioned that for patients with threatened miscarriage, bed rest and fluid supplementation do not prove effective in preventing preterm birth, should not be routinely recommended, and may even have some potential hazards, such as:

Fetal protection during pregnancy = bed rest? Miss by a mile!

Increases risk of venous thromboembolism

The reason is that the blood is in a highly coagulated state during pregnancy, if you are bedridden, the blood circulation will be slower, the body's resistance will decrease, and it is easy to form blood clots.

Affects bone and muscle function

Long-term bed rest will aggravate bone decalcification, change muscle metabolism, resulting in muscle waste atrophy, resulting in postpartum lower limb weakness.

Affects cardiopulmonary function and digestive function

During pregnancy, the gastric sphincter is relaxed, the intestinal peristalsis ability is reduced, and long-term bed rest will aggravate the physical discomfort of pregnant women, change the distribution of blood circulation, and lead to a decline in cardiopulmonary function.

Increase the psychological burden on pregnant women

Most pregnant mothers are still in a working state in the early stages of pregnancy, if bed rest means to take leave at home, it is inevitable that there will be psychological pressure after a long time, the mental burden will increase, and anxiety and even depression will occur.

Fetal protection during pregnancy = bed rest? Miss by a mile!

Here we need to pay special attention to, although bed rest has so many harms, it does not mean that pregnancy does not need to be bedridden at all, but it is recommended that expectant mothers can do some light exercises appropriately, rather than staying in bed for a long time, or even exaggerated to the point that the feet do not stick to the ground, this kind of not to say pregnant women, for us ordinary people, no illness can also lie out of the disease.

Long-term bed rest also has an obvious harm is that it may aggravate low back pain, of course, pregnant women's own physiological reasons, pregestheal posture, etc. are also important causes of low back pain. as:

Physiological causes

In the middle and third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus gradually grows, the uterus will also increase, the abdomen is uplifted, it is easy to tilt forward when standing, so in order to maintain the balance of the body, mothers will naturally lean back, the center of gravity falls on the lumbar spine, standing for a long time Pregnant women's back muscles will be overly tense, resulting in low back pain.

Pregestal posture

Many pregnant mothers are also an important cause of low back pain during pregnancy, such as pelvic forward leaning, pelvic back tilt, hunchback, etc., which may cause low back pain during pregnancy.


Repeatedly remind pregnant mothers not to carry out heavy housework during pregnancy, do not mention heavy objects, small waist soreness, large will lead to miscarriage.

Fetal protection during pregnancy = bed rest? Miss by a mile!

How to relieve the symptoms of low back pain during pregnancy?

This part of the father-to-be has to learn, the mothers are pregnant has been very hard, take care of people This matter father has to bear oh!


Low back pain during pregnancy can be applied to the sore spot with a hot towel for 15 minutes, note that what is said here is the back Oh, stomach pain can not be hot compresses, and at the same time to avoid excessive temperature, resulting in burns.


Pregnant mother lying on her side (it is recommended to lie on the left side), Bao Dad can use both hands to "small fish" part, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, pounding the muscles on both sides of the mother's spine After the pounding is completed, the neck begins to moderately knead the back muscles.

Change posture

Mothers should change their posture in time when resting, do not move for a long time, and try to straighten their lower backs as much as possible when walking and sitting down, so that the spine is balanced by force.

Fetal protection during pregnancy = bed rest? Miss by a mile!

Exercise appropriately

Proper exercise during pregnancy can relax the muscles, but vigorous exercise is not recommended, and you can take a walk, do yoga, etc.

The above are the two questions shared in this issue, welcome to share your pregnancy experience interactively in the comment area!

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