
Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

Raising a child is like upgrading a monster, and whenever you think that this is the last monster to fight, you will find that the difficulties are always behind...

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

From the moment a child is born, new parents start learning how to take care of a little one who has no ability to take care of himself.

With the careful care of parents, the baby grows up day by day, and the skills learned are more and more, but at this time, parents find out how the temper of the little guy is getting bigger and bigger, and when the child is two years old, he will even make many "annoying" behaviors.

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

Even one second it was still giggling, the next second it was crying, what was it all about?

Xiaobian recently read a book, yang xia, a senior family education researcher and national second-level psychological counselor, wrote "Terrible 2 Years Old, Troublesome 3 Years Old". In this book, a profound analysis of the personality behavior of children at this stage of 2-3 years old is a stage where a child begins to show himself, and the child at this stage seems to have his own ideas and try many things that he has not done before because he has learned a lot of new skills.

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

Children at this stage will also say "no" to many requests from parents, not only will not do it according to the parents' requirements, but also make rebellious behavior.

Yang Xia pointed out in the book that when you frequently hear two-year-olds say "no", do not rush to correct, you can try the following points:

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

1 Respect your child's ideas

When the child says "no" or resists, the child is just expressing his thoughts in an inappropriate way, because the child at this time has not yet expressed it well. Therefore, parents should understand the true thoughts of the child's heart, and try to give the child respect, let the child feel that he is an independent person, the child will also feel tired, parents should give the child more tolerance.

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

2 Do the opposite

Since two-year-olds always put "no" on their lips, parents may wish to reverse their children. For example, when it rains, I want my child to wear rain boots, but I know that my child will refuse. Then parents can say in turn: It is really dirty when it rains today, so we should not wear rain boots, we will get the rain boots dirty. At this time, the child will take the initiative to ask for rain boots. Sometimes they just want to contradict their parents, and the parents' opposites can achieve their desired goals.

3 Have your child try the consequences

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

Children will also make some behaviors to know many truths as they grow up. No matter how much parents tell their children, children often can't listen to it and won't do it. Only if the child has personally experienced and made a mistake and tried to the consequences of bad will he pay attention. For example, the child always ignores the advice of the parents, and has to touch the hot water, then the parent can let the child feel the hot water steam, the child feels that the heat is very hot, and naturally will not touch the hot water bottle again.

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

4 The demand should be reasonable

Sometimes children act rebelliously because the demands made by their parents are unreasonable. For example, if you keep asking your child to go to bed at eight o'clock every day, but today you suddenly ask your child to sleep at seven o'clock, your child will definitely say "no" to your message. You will feel that the child is disobedient again, because you have made an unreasonable request first, and the child just followed his own brain and made a refusal.

The following is from "Terrible 2 Years Old, Troublesome 3 Years Old"

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

From the perspective of children's psychological development, children's "self-awareness" will naturally sprout when they are about 1 and a half years old, and 2 years old is the peak period for the formation of "self-awareness". Compared with infancy, children around the age of 2 have clearly realized the existence of "I", and also realize that "I" is different from others, can express their own thoughts and wishes, and gradually learn self-evaluation, understand the meaning of "good" and "not good", "good" and "bad".

Why psychology calls 2-3 the "annoying" stage of "annoying" psychology calls 2-3

Whether a person's psychological development is healthy is closely related to whether his early self-awareness development is perfect. Successful people are often good at knowing themselves, planning for the future, and have good self-control. Therefore, it is very important for parents to seize the critical period of 2 years old and develop their children's self-awareness ability. To put it a little further, this can often determine the future direction of the child' development.

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