
Your child's slow language, inability to speak, and inability to speak clearly may be closely related to three factors!

There are three major factors that affect a child's language development:

1. Vestibular hypoplasia

The generalized vestibular specifically refers to the vestibular balance system, in front of the lower brainstem of the back of the brain there is a tiny radar-type sensing organ, called the vestibular nerve nucleus, the neural network composed of this is vestibular perception, which is one of the three main sensory systems of our human body, which is used to filter and filter the information entering the brain.

If the vestibular function is not good, then the language stimuli input from various sensory pathways (mainly visual and auditory), including speech, intonation, frequency, volume, sound source, sound quality, etc., will not be able to be correctly filtered and identified into the brain.

In this way, the brain is unable to process and analyze the correct information and issue instructions, which in turn produces language learning difficulties, such as unclear pronunciation, inability to understand semantics, words that do not reach the meaning, upside down speech, lack of composition creativity, and so on.

Your child's slow language, inability to speak, and inability to speak clearly may be closely related to three factors!

2. Insufficient respiratory system

Many parents do not understand that breathing is not our innate skill, how can it affect the child's speech?

In fact, "can breathe" is not necessarily "can breathe"! Because most of the time children are indoors, outdoor activities are less, living at home is also arranged by parents, occasionally restricted from jumping, jumping, running and other actions, lack of physical exercise, which leads to many children will only breathe shallowly, will not breathe deeply.

Once there is a problem with the respiratory system, there is no continuous and stable breath, the child is prone to lack of energy, then the language problem manifested in them is "too lazy" to speak, or there is weakness when speaking.

Your child's slow language, inability to speak, and inability to speak clearly may be closely related to three factors!

3. Oral exercise is not enough

A common cause of unclear speech in children is oral function problems, oral function and children's oral muscles, tongue flexibility is directly related.

The formation of this situation is often related to parents over-feeding their children soft food, if the child's chewing ability is not fully exercised, then the development of his oral function will not be mature enough. Some pronunciation organs such as oral muscles, tongue flexibility, and stability of the mandibular joint are not used flexibly or will not be used, which eventually causes the child to have language disorders such as unclear words and large tongues.

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