
Does your child have low self-esteem?

Does your child have low self-esteem? The word "inferiority" applies to adults, children, and so on.

What is inferiority?

Inferiority is an unhealthy psychology, a personality defect. It excessively negates and demeans itself, elevates others, affects the correct and objective judgment of oneself, and cannot objectively and correctly look at oneself and the people and things around it. Inferiority will affect the healthy formation of personality, and children with excessive inferiority are often sensitive and suspicious, timid, cowardly, withdrawn and introverted.

Does your child have low self-esteem?

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So, how can we avoid and improve our children's "inferiority"?

First, let's talk about how to avoid children's "inferiority".

When a child is born, he will not have an inferior personality. Children's "inferiority" is often in the early childhood growth period, more than 1 year old from the beginning of the slow formation, good or bad personality, self-confidence, cheerfulness, or inferiority are formed by the surrounding or family environment.

As parents, the birth of a child is a blessing from Heaven and a "gift" to bring happiness to the family, and we should cultivate and educate it well. As your own child, it is not only a mother-son/mother-daughter relationship, but also a kinship relationship that is thicker than water. Therefore, when the child is born and grows up, we as parents should not blame the child too much, the child's nature is to be playful, childlike, innocent and lovely.

Some things in life will cause parents to complain and get angry, in fact, these are the children's "unintentional actions", after all, the child's mind is immature, the thinking is simple, the work is "reckless", as a parent we should give the child more love and tolerance, do not move to reprimand, or even scold.

Patience and tolerance are prerequisites in educating children, and we should have a heart that has more love, care, understanding, tolerance, and encouragement for children. Children can get a healthy and happy childhood, which is a valuable asset for children, and it is also a manifestation of a sense of achievement for parents, providing a solid foundation for children's future growth and social life.

Does your child have low self-esteem?

Then let's talk about how to improve children who already have "low self-esteem"?

There are children with "low self-esteem", including adults from 3 years old, students, workers, and other professions. The impact of "inferiority" is not responsible for the child itself, but also affects the family, and even this living environment, how should we improve it, my personal view from the following points to improve.

1. Have a conversation about "open the skylight and say something bright"

Parents are the people who accompany their children the most time, we parents should observe to understand the child's inner world, read the true thoughts of the child's heart through communication, need to give him enough respect, "inferiority" children the most lack of respect and care. A "open the skylight and say bright words" sincere conversation will make parents and children untie each other's inner knots and bring each other's hearts closer. Once the child's inner knot is opened, it will naturally suddenly open up, the personality will slowly become cheerful, and the personality full of vitality and vitality will gradually recover.

Does your child have low self-esteem?

2. Participate in more multi-person social activities

Many children's "inferiority" is reflected in social fear, lack of self-confidence to face peers, and even less self-confidence to express their own ideas and opinions. Therefore, we as parents should take our children to participate in volunteer activities or community activities. Let the child adapt slowly, cultivate the child's self-confidence, enhance personal charm, and change the psychological baggage of inferiority.

Does your child have low self-esteem?

3. Participate in physical exercise

Children who don't exercise are different from children who exercise physically, both in appearance and inwardly. The child who exercises the body is full of self-confidence, while the child who does not exercise gives people a kind of idea that if they do not frighten, cower, and have no spirit, people feel that they do not want to be friends with him/her. Over time, it will also lead to children playing without friends and slowly becoming "inferior".

Does your child have low self-esteem?

The child's personality is not the child itself can decide and control, as a parent parents should have to prevent the child from having 'inferiority' factors, if the child has the performance of "inferiority", do not fight and dislike, should try to correct and correct, so that their children can have a confident mental outlook, to the child's future healthy, correct growth to provide help and support.

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