
Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

When a new member of a family is added, that is, a small baby, parents will face many challenges in addition to excitement. Human children are very fragile and need adults to take the time to take care of them carefully. Children's crying sometimes affects the normal sleep of adults, and even makes them unable to sleep all night. And next, Xiaobian brought 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep.

1, do not let the baby stay up late

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

Don't let your child go to bed too late, especially if you want your child to stay up late. Some parents believe that this will make it easier for their children to fall asleep. But instead, this can cause your child to take longer to fall asleep and be more likely to wake up halfway through. Therefore, letting the baby fall asleep earlier can actually get better sleep quality.

2. Do not put your child in a place where he cannot straighten his body

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

The baby's body and bones are not fully grown, and the place to sleep is very important for the child. Therefore, children cannot be placed in places where they cannot fully extend. For example, it is placed on the car seat for a long time. This can affect your child's development.

3. When half awake, let the baby sleep in the crib

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

When we fall asleep at night, we may wake up for various reasons, such as nightmares or urination. Adults will do that, not to mention children. If you have a crib for your child, always put it in after the baby is fully asleep. Then, when babies wake up halfway through, they may be saddened by the sudden lack of adults around them. This will inevitably cause parents to spend more time comforting them and getting them back to sleep. Therefore, babies can be placed in a crib before they are asleep, so that they realize what environment they are asleep. When they wake up halfway through, they are better able to cope and even fall back asleep on their own.

4. Ensure the air quality of the baby room

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

For adults, the smell of lavender can make their bodies more relaxed, so that they can take better care of their babies. However, it is worth noting that if lavender essential oil is placed in the same room as the child, it may affect the child's sleep and even affect their body. It is very important to maintain the air quality in the baby room.

5. Work shifts with your partner

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

Taking care of children for a long time at night can easily burn out. This is not only very torturous for adults, but also affects the quality of children's sleep. After all, when you're tired from body to mind, you may not be able to really take care of your child. Therefore, you can take turns with your partner to take care of the child, so that the parents of the child have more sleep time and the child is better cared for.

6. Record how much your baby eats to get a good night's sleep

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

It's important for young babies to get enough food, and they may wake up halfway through because they need food. Therefore, be aware of your child's diet cycle. For example, before 8 weeks, it was better to feed once every 2-3 hours, but if you feed every hour, your baby may not eat enough every time. This not only makes it easier for children to wake up while they are asleep, affecting the quality of sleep, but also increases the number of feedings for parents.

7. Teach your baby how to find a pacifier at night

Cold Knowledge: 7 tips to make it easier for babies to fall asleep

At some stage in your child, they may rely heavily on a pacifier to fall asleep. When they sleep at night, a pacifier may give them a sense of security again, allowing them to fall asleep faster. Therefore, you can teach your child how to find a pacifier in his crib on a normal basis. In the usual training, holding his hand around the bed groping, slowly can successfully learn.

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