
G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship


2024-05-15 19:18Published in Guangdong game creators

At the 2024 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational Tournament held in Chengdu, China on May 14, the second round of the lower bracket was ushered in, and G2 from the European LEC defeated the host TES 3-0 to successfully advance to the third round of the lower bracket. G2 had a great run in the series, especially when the bottom lane pair overpowered TES's champion bottom lane, and after the race, G2's bottom lane player Hans Sama was interviewed to talk about how it felt like to win, his strategy against TES, and his thoughts on the rest of the race.

G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

Hans Sama said he was very happy to win this match because it was the first time in his career that he had beaten a team from the LPL in a BO5 series. He believes that every game against TES has fully demonstrated the results of the team's previous training. When asked about the combination of Ion and Leona used in the first game, Hans Sama said that support player Mikyx suggested that Leona should be selected, which seemed to be a good decision based on the results. With the help of Aion and Leona, his Calista was more comfortable to play, and this lineup helped G2 to a quick victory.

In the second game, TES's bottom laner JackeyLove chose the signature hero Delevingne, Hans Sama is not afraid of this hero, because he is also a Delevingne master, although Delevingne is often banned in the game, and it is interesting to be released this time. Hans Sama believes that in order to become a master of Draven, he also needs to know how to deal with Draven, and Kagemo is a good choice against Dlevingne, so when he saw JackeyLove choose Delevingne, he chose Kagemo and played with good results.

In the third game, Hans Sama chose Draven himself, saying that it was not to show who had the strongest Draven, in fact, G2 was a bit chaotic in the BP stage, they didn't expect TES to use Camille as an assist, and they chose Niko first. When he saw TES turn Camille into support, Hans Sama realised that the confrontation in the lower lane would not be too easy. Delevingne did struggle a bit early in the race, but as the race progressed, G2 gradually overtook the opposing bottom lane combination, and Delevingne took the head and took off straight away, and eventually won the race.

G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

G2's next match in the lower bracket is the winner of T1 vs. TL, and Hans Sama said that he has not analysed TL's match in detail, so he is not sure what TL advantage is. He thinks that G2 has a good chance of meeting T1, and he thinks that T1 is a team that is good at using the midfield and the bottom lane as the center to actively dominate the rhythm of the early game, and usually chooses the dominant hero in the BP stage. But in the last G2 match against T1, Hans Sama felt that G2 had the ability to compete with them, and T1 was a bit shaken during this MSI and was not as strong as before.

When asked if he would take revenge when he met T1 again, Hans Sama said he would definitely avenge his last loss. In fact, it's not the first time Hans Sama has faced Faker and T1, and losing to T1 has been a few times in his career, and each time it has hit him hard. If he succeeds in revenge this time, Hans Sama will be in a much better mood. In addition, he mentioned that while other teams have adopted lane change tactics in this MSI, G2 has the most experience in this release, and they have also prepared tactics to deal with various situations, and he hopes that everyone will expect what the team has prepared.

G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

The reason why TES lost to G2 was not only because the bottom lane was suppressed, but 369 was also blown up in the third game, and even was killed by BrokenBlade. Referring to MSI's follow-up matches, BrokenBlade said that he would prefer to face T1 again, as G2 had a chance to win in their previous matches, but they couldn't afford to win T1. But if it is ultimately against the TL in the LCS region, BrokenBlade also said that it is acceptable, because it can avenge the loss of FNC in the LEC region.

That being said, BrokenBlade thinks T1 has a better chance of winning, but TL has some hope. He felt that if TL's midlaner APA could keep Faker at bay, the bout could be a lot of fun. He mentioned that T1 are having some trouble at the moment, that they are not in great form, and that there is some danger to this team after TL gained confidence after winning FNC. As the strongest League of Legends team in the West, G2 is known for its unique routines, and when asked why G2's routines always work, BrokenBlade believes that the main reason is that G2 dares to try non-versions of heroes, and these heroes tend to put pressure on other teams, and G2 is characterized by the courage to innovate and put this innovation into practice.

As for the key to G2's victory over TES, BrokenBlade said that the main reason was that the players became calmer, unlike the excitement of the series against T1, and even though TES was a strong team, G2 tried to play more calmly. Moreover, G2 has played against many strong teams in this MSI, making the team stronger than TES. He also spoke highly of TES's top laner 369, believing that the opponent was a very good player who would develop as much as possible, and he also cooperated well with the jungler, allowing him to die many times in the second game.

G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

After winning TES, G2 showed what it takes to challenge for the MSI title, and BrokenBlade felt the other teams needed to give G2 some respect, given that their last two BO5 series matches had been clean sheets. However, he is not blindly confident, saying in the interview that the team still needs to remain humble, because G2's goal is to point to the championship, which is not an easy path, but he believes that G2 is capable of doing it, and they have high expectations for this international event. Overall, the G2 players are confident about the future competitions and said that they will do their best to achieve good results in the MSI.

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  • G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship
  • G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship
  • G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship
  • G2 is full of confidence after beating TES, aiming for the MSI championship

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