
A heartwarming moment during pregnancy moved her to the point of crying

I believe that expectant mothers will more or less experience emotional instability during pregnancy, when negative emotions, become sensitive, anxious, want to cry for a while, laugh for a while, no matter how big or small things can affect their mood,

But in fact, this is because after the expectant mother enters the pregnancy, the hormone level has changed greatly, so that the expectant mother's response to these things and the assumption of stress are different from ordinary people, so the mood will often fluctuate.

So can this negative emotion be alleviated?


A heartwarming moment during pregnancy moved her to the point of crying

Some fans have shared with me a heartwarming moment during her pregnancy, which allowed her to better control her emotions during pregnancy.

Her husband needs to travel on her birthday, originally she had morning sickness reaction in the first trimester, often felt uncomfortable, and then thought that her birthday may not be able to pass, so the mood has been bad, lost, anxious...

The day before the day of work, she saw the bathroom light on from the corridor, thinking that her husband went out to work in the morning and forgot to turn off the lights, and then as soon as the key was turned, the door opened, thinking: Didn't you lock the door when you went out in the morning?

Then I pushed open the door and saw all the lights on, heard the sound of the hood running, and came into view of a table, what else was on the table? When she shared it with me, she said that she was shocked and thought that she had entered the wrong door, but when she looked, yes, it was her own home.

When she took a closer look, it turned out that the table was made of plastic blocks spelled I Love You, the ground was scattered with balloons, the wall was the shape of a balloon posed in the shape of a heart, she and the spit said that it was really a straight male aesthetic, the color of the balloon was colorful, but she said that it was really her heartbeat moment after many years, and she was moved to cry. (The following is a picture she sent as proof)

A heartwarming moment during pregnancy moved her to the point of crying

She said that she was very grateful to her husband for doing this, originally she thought her birthday was hopeless, but she did not expect that her husband had taken a special day off, spent a lot of effort to decorate for her, and he also tried to make steak when he could not cook...

Such a surprise made her heart move, and also made her feel the love and attention of the whole body.

After this incident, she will think of some beautiful things during pregnancy, do what she likes, and sometimes she will slowly say that she will not lose her temper with the people around her casually, she said that these are people who love her, and she does not want to affect the baby.

A heartwarming moment during pregnancy moved her to the point of crying

The heartwarming moments shared by this fan during pregnancy touched me deeply, after all, correctly facing the negative emotions during pregnancy is also crucial to the growth and development of the baby.

Here I would like to talk about the suggestions for expectant mothers and expectant fathers to deal with negative emotions during pregnancy:

First of all, the most critical thing is that fathers-to-be should care more about their daughters-in-law, create more heartwarming moments for them, not to say that they should do something big, but to let them feel love and attention from the details, so that they will have positive emotions;

Secondly, expectant mothers should believe that their babies will grow up healthily and not worry too much, so that they can also avoid anxiety to a certain extent;

Finally, expectant mothers should accept themselves, accept their own inconsiderateness, accept that they are indeed imperfect, do not need to be perfect, and no one is perfect, so that they can calm themselves, emotionally stable, and provide a condition for healthy development for the baby.

The Guide to Expectant Mothers is designed for you who are trying to conceive, you who are pregnant, and you who have just become a new mother! Pay attention to me, the first time when the mother is no longer confused.

A heartwarming moment during pregnancy moved her to the point of crying

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