
What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

First of all, you must know that when a child who actively learns encounters a problem, the brain activates the combat mechanism, and he will think of various ways to solve the problem. And passive learning children, when he encounters a problem, the brain activates the coping mechanism. Either you don't want to think about it and say no, or you scribble.

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

Here are three tips to help you change your child's attitude towards learning.

1. Let the child get a sense of achievement in learning, so that the child will receive the joy of learning, for example, five questions to do 3 questions correctly. If you keep stressing that there are two problems that you can't do, that's adding to your child's frustration. But if you keep stressing about doing the right seven questions, your child will gain a sense of academic accomplishment. You might want to ask three questions you can't do and just ignore it? Of course not. The following article will tell you:

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

2. With the blessing of a sense of accomplishment, children will be full of confidence after achieving small successes

A child who is confident in learning will have a strength in his heart to motivate him to work hard, that is, "I am not stupid!" "I can do it!" and other positive emotions. He also developed a sense of competence in learning, I thought I might succeed, and I was willing to keep trying to take the example just now, what about the two wrong questions? Parents don't say, "It's so simple, don't you?" "This is reinforcing the negative feelings that children can't do it, can't do it." We want to say: "These two questions are indeed a little difficult, let's study them together!" "It's the attitude of standing with children to defeat difficult problems." Once the child has made it, we must seize the opportunity, strengthen this feeling, encourage him, we can say that it is very powerful, in the face of the problem calmly think about it. Be sure to praise it sincerely. In this way, the sense of accomplishment generated by the child doing the right question will come out.

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

3. Urge children to learn to manage their emotions and behaviors, so as to cultivate children's sense of autonomy. For example: the child is inefficient, parents should first figure out the reason for his inefficiency, find out the reason, according to the actual situation, divert his attention, to learn, if we have been urging to write quickly, other children are faster than you. In this way, children are even less interested in doing homework. Some children also have resentment towards children whose parents praise them. Be positively guided, don't bring negative emotions, and have completed a grown-up, responsible, and mom is proud of you. This is to strengthen the child's ability to control himself, say more words of encouragement, and let the child have a sense of joy and self-determination. If the child has no pleasant experience of learning, is always criticized, always denied, how can he be willing to learn, do not urge to criticize the child to learn, so that the child will have dependent, passive or even bored thoughts.

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

4. All parents may know that when tutoring homework, the more you criticize the child, the more dull the child is, and the problems that usually occur to him will be the same, but at this time, it will not be. When your child is happy, it is very important to always tell your child that learning is for himself. If you don't know how to say it, it is recommended that parents recommend this article to their children. If it was a sensible child, he would see it for himself.

What are the characteristics of children who can learn actively and love to learn? Does your child have these characteristics?

If the child is more rebellious, you tell him that this is what the book says, not what I said, you see for yourself whether it is or not, even if he does not look carefully, this can make him really realize that it seems that learning is really for himself. This will also plant a seed of reading for themselves in the child's heart, and then suddenly open up, study well, and lay the foundation. It is entirely possible. In fact, doing so will make you worry less about it in the future. In the long run, only when the child recognizes this early, can he not wait for it, and redouble the opportunity to learn, and the more he invests in learning, the more fruitful he is. Your child will get better and better.

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