
22 births in 32 years! "The strongest mother on the surface" was born to the point of not stopping! Hope to have 70 grandchildren

In recent years, the situation of childlessness has become more and more serious, many couples are more and more reluctant to have children, but there is a mother in the United Kingdom, who has given birth to 22 children since marriage, and the whole family has recently gone on a reality TV show to attract the attention of the outside world, and has been rated as "the strongest mother in history"!

22 births in 32 years! "The strongest mother on the surface" was born to the point of not stopping! Hope to have 70 grandchildren

According to the Daily Mail, the huge Family Radford family lives in Mokham, Lancashire, England, father Knoel is currently 51 years old, mother Sue is 46 years old, Sue has given birth to the first child at the age of 14, the couple said that the two originally only wanted to have three children, but the result was "can't stop", and finally gave birth to 22 children in 32 years, the oldest is 32 years old, the youngest is 1 year old.

In the interview, I was asked how to manage the family's financial situation. The couple said that the two do not live on subsidies, and are now running a pastry shop to maintain the family, while the family now lives in a large villa in the United Kingdom, there is even an outdoor cinema at home, they just helped the youngest child to hold a baptism, Sue said that this is her last child, the future she will turn her attention to the grandchildren, hoping that she can have 70 grandchildren.

From 14 to 46, what is the best age for a woman to have children? For "the best age for a woman to have a child", in fact, various scholars have different statements, but if from a pure biological point of view, about 25 years old is the best age for women to have children, then the cervical canal is elastic, easy to expand, and the uterine muscles have enough contractile strength, which is easy to help women give birth.

However, if combined with social and psychological factors, the most ideal age for women to have children is between 25-30 years old, which is a very mature aspect of women's psychophysiology, and once they reach the age of 35, women are pregnant even if they are elderly women, not only the chance of conception becomes smaller, the natural abortion rate also increases significantly, be careful!

22 births in 32 years! "The strongest mother on the surface" was born to the point of not stopping! Hope to have 70 grandchildren

Women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are more pregnant than ever!

When is it best to have children at 20, 30, or even 40? Obstetrics and gynecology experts said that in fact, early and late pregnancy has advantages and disadvantages, as long as the baby can be healthy, everything is good!

Benefits of pregnancy in your 20s

■ There is less chance of miscarriage.

■ There are few concerns about the health of mothers and babies, there are fewer opportunities for pregnancy syndromes, such as hypertension, and pregnancy toxemia, and the rate of infant malformations is low.

■ At this time, the energy is full and the ability to take care of the baby is also relatively strong. If you have a baby in your early 20s, it will not be difficult to have another child in the future.

■As I am young, I recover quickly after childbirth.

Disadvantages of pregnancy in your 20s

■ In the circle of friends of young girls, it will feel more special, and the schedule is obviously different from other people.

■ If women have just worked, they are less secure and more likely to be insecure.

22 births in 32 years! "The strongest mother on the surface" was born to the point of not stopping! Hope to have 70 grandchildren

Benefits of pregnancy in your 30s

■ Postpartum complications and postpartum recovery are not significantly different from those in their 20s.

■ The relationship between husband and wife is more stable and more mature in the face of parenting education.

■ In their 30s, the job is relatively stable, the economy is relatively generous, and they can afford to pay for childcare.

Disadvantages of pregnancy in your 30s

■ After the age of 35, fertility declines sharply and the abortion rate increases.

■ The fertility rate of deformed children in their 30s is also higher.

■Preterm birth is more common between the ages of 35. Prone to hypertension, gestational diabetes and other complications.

Benefits of pregnancy in your 40s

■ It is the age that really wants to have children, and can face the arrival of children more maturely.

■ When she was in her 40s, she was mature and intelligent, and knew how to face and deal with big and small things.

■ Older women are more reliable both financially and psychologically, and the relationship between husband and wife is relatively stable.

■ Many women have completed career sprints in their 40s and do not consider children to be obstacles to their careers.

Disadvantages of pregnancy in your 40s

■ After the age of 40, the risk of miscarriage is as high as 13-15%

■ The odds of genetic defects are also higher.

■ When the child is a teenager, the mother is already in her 50s, and may have a generation gap with the child.

22 births in 32 years! "The strongest mother on the surface" was born to the point of not stopping! Hope to have 70 grandchildren

After reading the above pros and cons analysis, what do you think is the best time to have children?

Everyone should have a different opinion! Then hurry up and leave a message below, let us know!

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