
The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

Give me a chance to be with you and hear your story! I'm Sunny!

01. Mediocre children may be more filial

A few years ago, a speech by a principal attracted everyone's attention.

People feel that as a principal, they all want their students to study well. And the principals are very fond of learning well children, for poor learning children, principals are often not very good.

Unlike most principals, this principal's speech was a different approach.

The principal felt that your child's poor learning is because your child was born to stay with you. Maybe your child's current learning is not as good as other people's children, but one day you will find that the children who study well in the class have gone far away, and only your children have always stayed by your side and done filial piety for you.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

The principal's words made many parents let go of their hearts and accepted their children's mediocrity.

Some people think that this principal may be to evade responsibility, because some parents feel that their children are not learning well, so at this time will find trouble with the school The principal said so when he spoke, then the parents will want to open some trouble to find less school.

In fact, the principal's words are all true, because I have many examples around me:

After completing their studies, they flew away, and their parents stayed in the countryside unattended.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

02. The nature of the child determines the fate of the parents

Sometimes, the fate of children and parents is already predestined.

Some people always feel that as long as my children study well now and get ahead in the future, they can do filial piety for me.

In fact, can a son do filial piety for you? Doesn't it mean that this son can get ahead? But does this son have filial piety?

If a son does not study well, but this son has filial piety, then this son will stay by your side and do filial piety for you when he grows up.

People in the countryside say that from childhood to adulthood, this sentence is more meaningful, do you have a fate with your son or daughter? It is already predestined, and you can also see if this person is filial piety by looking at some of the performances of this person from childhood.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

When I was a child, I heard my grandmother tell me such a story:

There is a child who learns very well from an early age, and in the village is a god-like existence, everyone thinks that this is someone else's child, and many people are very envious.

Later, the child grew up, was admitted to a good university, and became a high official in Beijing.

At this time, everyone thought that perhaps the parents of this family were going to raise their eyebrows, but what was unexpected was that after this person became an official in Beijing, he married a wife in Beijing, and the wife did not want to return to this person's hometown, so she made a home in Beijing.

People would think that this parent would live in Beijing with this son, but they did not expect that this son would never come to the countryside to see the people in the family, and never mentioned that he wanted to bring his parents to Beijing.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

Later, the son's parents fell ill and there was no one to take care of him, and finally the son called the village chief and said:

"When my parents died and my parents were buried, I would give the house where my rural parents lived."

In the end, no one asked for their broken house, and the people in the village buried his father and mother together.

This thing sounds sad, but it is a real thing.

So don't evaluate a child by learning well or badly, but use the child's nature to evaluate the child. Although some children do not seem to study well, this child has parents in his heart; some children seem to be very contentious, but when they are successful in their studies, they never want to go home again.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

03. Husband and wife are harmonious, and the children will stay by your side

People always feel that their fate with their children depends on the child and themselves.

In fact, sometimes some forces from the outside world will also affect the fate of you and your children, for example, the two of you have a special deep love, and the two of you are also not forgetting the original intention to treat each other kindly, then your marriage will be more long-lasting, and the love will be long-lasting.

Therefore, your home is a particularly complete family, the child cannot leave you, and your relationship with the child is relatively long-lasting.

But some people husband and wife relationship is not harmonious, always feel that the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious, has nothing to do with their children, some women at home all day long nagging, counting down their husbands; some men at home all day long look at their wives are not pleasing to the eye, so they have to say a few words, or a big fight.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

When you happen to this, it is undoubtedly destroying the stability of the family, when your family is unstable, then you and the other party may face divorce, at this time, the other party or you are going to lose the child.

Because after the two of you divorced, the child can only live in one party's home, your family is not so complete, there will be scars in the child's heart, and the child may remember and hate you when he grows up, thinking that you did not take care of your emotions at that time, and never thought about the child, so he embarked on the road of divorce.

Therefore, after such a child grows up, under normal circumstances, he will not like his parents much, because his parents slap themselves in the heart, and they will feel pain now.

And the time spent with the child after the two parents are divorced will not be very long, unless you and the other party are fighting for custody of the child, in this case, you and the child will spend more time together. But even so, your love for your child is not particularly complete, and there are still some missing.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

So sometimes for your children, for your and your child's fate, you must also take into account the feelings of your other half, maintain the feelings of the two of you, so that you can give your child the best future, but also let the child grow up in a beautiful environment, and your relationship with your child will continue.

On the other hand, a child's education is inseparable from his parents, and his parents are the child's first teacher.

When you have a good relationship with your partner, your children will also see it in their eyes and remember it, and they will have a happy family when they grow up. After the child has a happy family, the child will be more comfortable when taking care of you, because the child does not have too much family pressure.

The fate of children and parents is actually predestined

Therefore, sometimes it is not that the child does not want to honor you, but because of some things you have done, it has blocked your relationship with the child.

In a word, when looking at a child, look at the nature of the child. A child with a good nature can do filial piety for you, don't care whether this child is smart or mediocre, as long as people are kind, you have a fate. On the other hand, to maintain your own family, only after the family is good, your children will grow up healthily, and your relationship with your children will continue forever.

Fate is not suddenly broken, sometimes it is some negligence of yours that buries the friendship between you.

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