
The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

The greatest love in the world is the love of our parents for us, and when we were young we always heard this saying, but we couldn't understand what kind of love it was.

We only know that those two people are our parents, they are very kind to us, give us everything that can be given to us, but unfortunately we only know how to ask for it and don't know what kind of giving they have.

It wasn't until we grew up that we also entered the wedding hall and became the parents of our children that we understood how our parents felt when they raised us.

The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

Contained in the mouth afraid of melting, holding in the hand afraid of shattering, this sentence to describe the love of our parents for us can not be more appropriate, but unfortunately when we understand that we are already parents.

At this time, I understood another sentence, I don't know my parents' grace if I don't raise my children. On February 15, in Inner Mongolia, a baby was sick and dripped in the hospital, and the mother was a nurse taking care of other patients, so the child could only be accompanied by his father.

The child was only a few months old, but he had bronchitis and had no choice but to hang a drip in the hospital. Adults are very anxious when children are sick, and generally like children who are a few months old hang up in the hospital, they need at least two people to accompany them.

The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

However, the child's mother has to take care of other patients, and the child can only be seen by his father. When the child hangs up the drip, he always cries and is uncomfortable, and the father is anxious.

The father looked at the child alone and wanted to let the child lie on the hospital bed, but the child who was a few months old was not honest at all, always crying, and the father came up with a way to free up his hands to hold the child.

He tied the pole that was hanging the drip to his back so that he could walk with the child in his arms. The child's mother returned to the ward after taking care of the patient and just saw the scene of the father holding the child and walking with a drip pole on his back, so she recorded the moment.

The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

This matter was exposed to the Internet by netizens after triggering heated discussion among netizens, some netizens said: Many men will say that taking children is born a woman's business, I will ah, children are born of mothers, should be managed by mothers.

Kotani's view:

Many men in this world really think that children are women's alone, they want children, but they don't want to take care of children, so they throw children to women.

But the child is the crystallization of the love of two people, not only the mother alone, the father should also do his duty, just like this father in Inner Mongolia, he is not only a qualified father, but also a qualified husband.

The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

When the child is sick, the mother who usually takes good care of it will be anxious, not to mention the child's father, who can come up with such a method should be praised.

Kotani has been deeply touched since he gave birth to a child, and at that time he knew how difficult it was to be a parent. When the child was a few months old, he also had bronchitis like this child in Inner Mongolia.

At that time, the child was particularly dishonest when she hung up in the hospital, always letting her lie on the hospital bed and she would cry endlessly, and Kotani had to carry her around, only then would the child stop crying.

The child was sick and dripping, and the father put the pole on his back and freed his hands to hold the child

But Kotani's luck was better than that of this father, when the child was hospitalized with two people in the hospital, one holding the child and the other holding a drip.

But this dad does two people thing alone, and it is indeed a very fortunate thing for a woman to meet such a man, because he has a sense of responsibility.

I hope that this father can have a smooth sailing in the future days, and I hope that this baby can get better soon, and I hope that all children can be filial to their parents, because it is really not easy for parents to raise us.

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