
The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

Nowadays, whether in the city or in the countryside, the people who help bring their babies seem to be the elderly, and few young people are specially at home with children.

The reason why those young people living in the city choose to let the elderly help with their children is because the pressure on young people is too great, they are carrying mortgages, and they dare not easily resign to watch their children at home.

Once you choose to watch your children at home, it means that you have no income, and it is really difficult to live without income, and it is very painful to watch your other half work for the family, but you can't help yourself.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

So those who live in the city will choose to let the elderly help the children, the young people can have time to work, and earning money can alleviate some of the pressure.

Not only in the city is the elderly to help with children, most of those who live in the countryside are also the elderly to help with children, those who live in the countryside mostly do not have formal jobs, idle to help young people with children.

Only in this way can young people go to work outside with confidence, earn a little more money to make their children's living conditions better, and save a little more money for their children to gain a foothold in the city in the future.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

Watching so many old people help with children, it seems that it is natural for the old people to take children, but is that really the case? It is not like that, the elderly year is not obliged to help young people with children.

On February 14, in Yongzhou, Hunan Province, a mother-in-law helped her son and daughter-in-law with her children, and when she talked about her experience of carrying a baby, she did not control herself, and she burst into tears in an instant.

The old man told his son and daughter-in-law that the reason why he helped to take the baby was that he did not want the daughter-in-law to take his own old road, and when he was young, no one helped to watch the child, understand the hardships of his baby, and no matter how tired he was, he had to help his son's small family.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

It turned out that this old man had experienced a lot when he was young, because there was no one to help him, and he was about to give birth and was still working in the field, and his life was particularly hard.

After giving birth to a child, there was no one to cook, but also to cook for themselves, there was no diaper at that time, and the child had to wash the diaper.

The old man cried as he spoke, and the daughter-in-law felt very moved next to him, so the scene of the old man's tear collapse was recorded, and this matter was exposed to the Internet to trigger heated discussion among netizens.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

Some netizens said: There is such a reasonable mother-in-law must be filial piety to her, really envious of meeting such a mother-in-law.

Kotani's view:

Nowadays, most of today's children are brought by the elderly, and more and more families are in such a situation, which leads many people to think that it is natural for the elderly to help with the baby, but it is not like that.

The elderly have the obligation to bring up their children, but they are not obliged to bring up the children of their eldest sons and daughters-in-law, and the reason why so many elderly people take the initiative to help bring up their children is also to make the children live well.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

Although many people are buying houses in the city, for children who go out in rural families, living in the city is too stressful, and almost everyone has a mortgage.

After having children, a person to support a family also has to carry too much pressure on the mortgage, the elderly are distressed about their children, do not want to make the children so tired, so help with the children.

The old man chatted about the topic of taking a baby and burst into tears in an instant, the old man: I can't let my daughter-in-law go my old way

Therefore, we should be filial to the elderly, whether the elderly help us with children or not, we should be filial to them, because they raised us as adults, and we have the obligation to filial piety to the elderly.

In the future, when our own children become a family, we hope that we can also have enough ability to help our children and make their lives better.

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